
Just my two cents

Dear Fanny,

You seem to be pretty politically involved and informed. What do you think of all this flak about John Kerry's war record -- and George Bush's lack of service?

Just Wondering.


Dear Just Wondering,

Actually, I am much more concerned with what's happening today and what the candidates' positions are on issues affecting the USA now, and plans for tomorrow, than on things that happened (or didn't happen) 30-35 years ago. It seems like a "good" distraction from the real issues affecting the country, this back and forth on things long ago that no one can really prove one way or the other anyhow. I can see the "point" I guess that this time frame somehow speaks to character, but most of us (perhaps present President excepted, she said rudely) have evolved and grown since we were in our early twenties. I would like to see the economy, jobs, health care, and getting us the hell out of Iraq, exploring the idea of creating a Department of Peace, answering concerns about Social Security, confronting education problems, etc. addressed instead of ignoring what's going on today and clouding the current issues with muddied tales from the past. I'm not thrilled with either candidate, and would like to hear clear talk concerning some of the above instead of this ridiculous back and forth about who did what in the 60s and 70s. No wonder so many young voters are turned off!

Just my Two Cents,

Fanny Footloose信箱,專門提供讀者一些建議。

two cents


1. 無價值的東西

2. 小小的意見,鄙見 ( ( 往往表示自謙 ) )

Just my two cents. 

