
Paying For Your Own Nag

在談到這篇文章之前,先說說這個blog。這個blog叫做"Gothamist",文章刊登關於New York的新聞、吃、喝、玩、樂和大事小事。"Gotham"是New York的意思,後面加個"ist"就代表「人」,如著名的「經濟學人」,就是"economist"。因為該blog點閱人數愈來愈多,所做的規模也愈來愈廣範。現在不只有New York區,也有許多大城市的報導。"Gothamist"的編輯,是亞裔女子,我猜是韓裔。



Proving once again that there's a market for everything, one craiglist user posts this intriguing job offer, titled, "Watch Me to Make Sure That I Study For Law School":

I'm a first year law student but I've been having terrible concentration problems. I need someone to sit with me while I study and make sure that I'm studying. Otherwise I'll waste hours surfing the internet or just thinking about random things. You can be reading the newspaper or doing your own work while you do this, you just need to be sitting at a starbucks table or other location with me. You DO NOT NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT LAW SCHOOL to do this job. I'll pay more for people that can tutor me in Civil Procedure, Contracts, or Torts.

