
nip and tuck

CBS News的5月9日某篇文章標題:

Family That Nips & Tucks Together

翻遍字典也找了幾個線上字典(字典1字典2字典3),得到答案皆為: 並駕齊驅/勢均力敵/不相上下 = neck and neck

若看過video知道文章內容,會很快知道這個解釋行不通,實在有夠巧合,批踢踢上竟也有人問到what "nip and tuck" means。有人回覆了,有的,有的,有我期待的答案。

Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus. Free access.給了基本的定義外,在Thesaurus下,有我要的解釋,非常之詳盡,還給了許多同義字!

但其實在我上面列的字典3裡是搜得到的,但不是以nip and tuck來找,而是要鍵入"a nip (here) and a tuck (there)"來搜才搜得到(還有附上例句,不錯),一定要放"( )"才能一下子找到,又或者其實以nip來找就可以了。

3 則留言:

  1. I was watching the series "Nip/Tuck" recently. Even though I almost finished the first season, I couldn't deeply realise the real meaning of the name. I asked a foreign friend and knew it's the plastic surgery reference.
    By the way, thanks for your information for this term. Uh,it's a bloody, sexual and violent drama, isn't it? However, I'm fond of it.

  2. Hello Sylvia,

    I haven't watched "Nip/Tuck." In fact, I didn't hear of it until you told me. Thanks for sharing!:)

  3. Hi Faineant,

    Nip/Tuck is a very popular drama in America. I enjoy it very much and recommend it except for the sexual parts. Their relationships are all like dogs,lol!!
    In general, it's a good drama.

