
writing quiz (寫作測驗) & english-at-home網站簡介



How good is your written English? Take our test and find out!
For each question, answer a, b, or c.

(The answers are at the end of the newsletter.)

1. Standard correspondence phrases
(標準通信慣用語 )

Business letters that start "Dear Mr Smith" would end:
(商用書信裡以「Dear Mr Smith」開頭,結尾應為:)

a) Yours sincerely
b) Best wishes
c) Lots of love

2. Grammar 文法

Can you find the grammar mistake in the following sentence:
"This kinds of activities is interesting"

a) Kinds is the wrong word - it should be sorts
b) Activities is misspelt - it should be activity's
c) "This" should be "these" and "is" should be "are" to agree with "kinds" and "activities". (both plural words)

3. Modern business phrases 現代商業慣用語

Which of the three following sentences is the most appropriate for modern business correspondence?

a) I hereby attach our order.
b) I am attaching our order.
c) Here's our order.

4. Vocabulary choice and consistency 辭彙選擇和一貫性

Choose the most appropriate phrase to fill the gap in this sentence:

We regret to inform you that there will be --------- delay in fulfilling your order.

a) a bit of a
b) a mere
c) a slight

5. Linking words 連接字

Choose the correct linking word to fill the gap in this sentence:

--------- an increase in supplier costs, we will have to raise our prices.

a) Although
b) However
c) Due to

6. Writing clearly and concisely 精簡明暸的寫作

What does the following sentence mean?

In our experience, those customers that buy from one of our franchise stores are five times as likely to buy from another of our franchise stores than those customers who buy online; these being more likely to choose between a range of suppliers offering similar goods in terms of product features, product retail prices and product delivery times.

a) More customers buy in franchise stores than buy online.

b) Customers who buy from one of our franchise stores often buy from another franchise store, but online customers have a greater choice.

c) Our goods are different from other suppliers as we have a greater range in product features, product retail prices and product delivery times.

7. Spelling 拼字

What is the correct spelling?

a) Goods receivable
b) Goods recievable
c) Goods receivabul

8. Style 語調

Choose the sentence that best follows this sentence:

Thank you for your application for the post of Sales Manager.

a) Sorry, we don't like your CV.

b) Unfortunately, your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

c) It is regrettable, although perhaps entirely understandable, that in this particular instance we do not find ourselves in the position of being able to offer you gainful employment in our establishment.

9. A comma is. "a comma"的意思是?

a) A serious medical condition
b) A French word
c) A punctuation mark used in lists

10. Tone 口氣

How could you ask your English colleague to send you a report on customer services?

a) I would be grateful if you could send me the report on customer services.

b) It would be more than useful if you would be so kind as to send me the report on customer services.

c) Send me the report on customer services.


Answers to the quiz

1. Standard correspondence phrases

Business letters that start "Dear Mr Smith" would end:
a) Yours sincerely

(Note: using the correct standard phrases is important and makes you sound professional.)

2. Grammar
Can you find the grammar mistake in the following sentence:
"This kinds of activities is interesting"

c) "This" should be "these" and "is" should be "are" to agree with "kinds" and "activities". (both plural words)

(Note: sentences which are grammatically incorrect may cause misunderstanding.)

3. Modern business phrases
Which of the three following sentences is the most appropriate for modern business correspondence?

b) I am attaching our order.

(Note: avoid old-fashioned words such as "hereby" in your writing.)

4. Vocabulary choice and consistency
Choose the most appropriate phrase to full the gap in this sentence:
We regret to inform you that there will be --------- delay in fulfilling your order.

c) a slight

(Note:know when to use formal, informal or neutral words and phrases.)

5. Linking words
Choose the correct linking word to fill the gap in this sentence:
--------- an increase in supplier costs, we will have to raise our prices.

c) Due to

(Note: using the correct linking words allows your reader to follow your ideas easily.)

6. Writing clearly and concisely
What does the following sentence mean?

In our experience, those customers that buy from one of our franchise stores are five times as likely to buy from another of our franchise stores than those customers who buy online; these being more likely to choose between a range of suppliers offering similar goods in terms of product features, product retail prices and product delivery times.

b) Customers who buy from one of our franchise stores often buy from another franchise store, but online customers have a greater choice.

(Note: keep your sentences short and grammatically simple where possible in order to minimise misunderstandings and confusion. The sentence above is difficult to understand, as numerous clauses hide the meaning.)

7. Spelling
What is the correct spelling?
a) Goods receivable

(Note: learn simple spelling rules to help you avoid typical mistakes.)

8. Style
Choose the sentence that best follows this sentence:
Thank you for your application for the post of Sales Manager

b) Unfortunately, your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

(Note: keep your style consistent throughout the text.)

9. A comma is.
c) A punctuation mark used in lists

(Note: correct punctuation helps your reader understand you.)

10. Tone
How could you ask your English colleague to send you a report on customer services?
a) I would be grateful if you could send me the report on customer services.

(Note: know how to write politely to avoid irritating or insulting your reader!)

How did you score?


點選「real life english」後會出現下拉式選單,選單裡有「特殊情況(Special situations)」、「看牙醫」、「開車」、「預約」、「履歷表(CV's/Resumes)」、「求職信(covering letters)」、「上台報告(presentation)」、「開會」、「打電話」……等等等等,可說是應有盡有。

