"Some people would just talk to her a mile a minute, using all sorts of idioms and slang without even knowing it,...."
a mile a minute: very rapidly(Information From Answers.com)
Example: She was talking a mile a minute about the accident.
to talk a mile a minute:滔滔不絕(Common Local English Expressions)
Two questions I heard on the daily idiom:
回覆刪除1. If you have something on your mind, are you "worry free"?
2. If you "work around the clock", are you going to feel tired?
3. If you’re really happy, what "cloud are you on"?
I know you have answers for me :)
Hi Fin!
回覆刪除So you've got THREE quesions.
I think you can figure out the first one. Anyhow, I'll give you the clues of the three.
1. 若不了解worry-free的意思的話,how about "ad-free?" "ad" 指的是廣告,so "ad-free"是指有沒有廣告呢?
2. Check out the meaning of "around the clock."
3. Check out the meaning of "cloud nine."