

After reading some tips for improving English speaking skills in the learners' forum of Englishclub.com yesterday, I decided to record my speaking in hopes to reinforce my spoken English. I downloaded Audacity, a software for recording and editing sounds, and iPodder. I learned the two from Englishcaster.

我前幾個星期已加入了其中一個Englishcast-The Daily Idiom的RSS,也就是在左下角落落長的newsgator裡。The Daily Idiom有podcast,可選擇下載或是直接收聽,網站也附上了transcript,是一個很棒的學英文成語的網站。

3 則留言:

  1. How can I hear or read the old text posted before on The Daily Idiom?
    You really do great on your blog... not like mine dead for a while LOL

  2. Just check out the archives of the daily idiom. If you want to listen to audio, just click "Podcast." But I think he may have deleted some audio files and transcripts. 難道有時效性?


    Hope you will "come to life" soon! =]

  3. 對了,The Bod and Rob Show 也不錯哦,很幽默的二人對話教學。
