

這一段是Taiwan年鑑Two thousand four介紹的開頭……

Taiwan's democratization took another step forward with the 2004 presidential election in which Chen Shui-bian was re-elected for a second term over a united opposition ticket. Chen garnered 6,471,970 votes, 11 percent more of the popular vote than in 2000.

Taiwan's flourishing computer industry has generated a vast assortment of computer magazines for beginners, advanced PC users, video game players, industrialists, and even procurement personnel. Popular magazines in this category include PC Home 電腦家庭 for beginners, PC Office 電腦上班族 for office workers, and PC Gamer 電腦玩家 for video game enthusiasts.

 English-language periodicals and magazines that juxtapose Chinese and English texts are an entertaining way for Taiwan readers to learn a foreign language. The more popular periodicals in this category include Studio Classroom 空中英語教室, with articles for senior high school and university students, and Ez Talk 美語會話誌 and Let's Talk in English 大家說英語, which target those eager to improve their spoken English. Some of these magazines are also available with audiocassettes or CD-ROMs.


