
be akin to

上星期刊載在聯合報裡紐約周報的文章(A Novel, by Someone, Sells Millions in China),文章內容講一本在中國熱賣名為"狼圖騰(Wolf Totem)"的書和作者,還有作者覺得此書吸引消費者的原因。有趣的是原文章有提到一位製片人Peter Jackson買下書的版權要拍成電影,可是後來做了更正

For the author, the wolf is akin to the soul of the Mongolian grasslands, a worthy rival to man as well as a symbol of heaven itself.

另一篇是NY Times-Ugly Images of Asian Rivals Become Best Sellers in Japan(亞洲敵人的醜陋之像成為日本暢銷書)
They also point to Japan's longstanding unease with the rest of Asia and its own sense of identity, which is akin to Britain's apartness from the Continent.


akin:adjective {after verb}
similar; having some of the same qualities:
- They speak a language akin to French.

