
Mouse potato

這個字已出現好一陣子了,但因為這陣子剛好教小朋友們couch potato,所以到韋氏網路字典查字時,才被這個名詞吸引住。

定義: a person who spends a great deal of time using a computer

Although I don't spend a lot of my time in front of the computer as much as I did a year ago, I still consider myself a mouse potato. I really cannot live without it.

這個名詞的中文翻譯有蠻多種的,有的是直譯為「滑鼠馬鈴薯」,或有人翻成「網蟲」,而將couch potato譯為「電視蟲」。我個人較喜歡「電腦迷」,和「電視迷」

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