
source vs resource

網站Differencebetween.com 顧名思義就是在比較兩者(或兩者以上)間的不同,並提供了很詳盡的解說。以下是該網站對"source"和"resource"兩個單字的比較

Sources vs Resources
Source and resource are two different words with totally different meanings. Source is a place or a thing that provides us what we are looking for. We go to school to obtain knowledge and to a college to obtain a degree. In this sense, these are sources of knowledge and degree for us. A well is a source of fresh underground water for us while the sun is a source of constant energy. There is another word resource that means something valuable for us and something that we consume to serve a function. This article attempts to differentiate between source and resource, to make readers use the right word in the right context.
         (直譯:"source"和"resource"是截然不同的兩個字。"source"是提供我們一個我們在探尋的一個地方或物。 我們上學獲取知識,上大學獲取學位。就這個道理來看,這些對我們來說是知識和學位的"source"。井對我們而言是清淨的地下水的一個"source",而太陽則是持續的能量的"source"。另一個字"resource"則是指某個對我們有價值的東西和某個我們用來消耗以供應運作的東西。此文章試分別"source"和"resource",讓讀者們在對的上下文裡用對的字。)


Milk is a source of protein that we need to drink to fulfill our daily requirements of protein. Similarly, vegetables and fruits are sources of vitamins and minerals that our bodies require to fulfill its daily need of nutrients. We know then that we have to get to the source to find what we are looking for.
A teacher is a source of knowledge while a sun is a source of energy. For a vehicle that runs on petrol, a petrol pump is the source of fuel to keep the vehicle running. Talking about energy, matter is the source of all energy, and matter is made up of atoms that constitute all energy.


Resources are things that are valuable to people or a nation for its development. Energy is the basis of all development, and this is why governments all over the world are looking for resources of energy that is renewable or reusable. Fossil fuels, of which petroleum is the most important, is found deep inside the earth and is one valuable resource of energy that we have been extracting at a fast pace that is not sustainable.

People are another resource for development, and the population of a country is regarded as its natural resource that needs to be harnessed for development. Any organization works on the basis of its resources like men and machinery.



你能知道空格中是"source"還是"resource"? 答案就在http://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-sources-and-vs-resources/

Sources vs Resources

• ________ is a place or a thing for a useful entity. We eat fruits and vegetables as they are ________s of energy and vitamins and minerals for our bodies.

• ________ is a valuable thing that is necessary for a people or a nation. Sun is a ________ of renewable energy for us.

• We are always on the lookout for ________s of ________s that are important for us.

• People are also considered important and invaluable ________ for any organization.

• Natural ________s of a country are its mineral wealth, water bodies and fossil fuels.


