The books in your room are topsy-turvy. Why don't you put them in order?
(2)at sixes and sevens
The place is at sixes and sevens. We have to find someone to clean it up.
(3)upside down
Your brother turned my study upside down. You've got to put it in order for me.
(4)any old how/way
The shelf was put up any old how.
「亂糟糟」 look as if something has been stirred with a stick
The house looks as if something has been stirred with a stick. I don't know how to tide it up. (tide it up...是什麼意思別問我,叫你看魔法ABC講義還不看)
不過,「頭髮好 亂」,我們「亂」想到「mess」,「Your hair is messy.」(魔法ABC講義1999年9月份有)是譯「你的頭髮好髒」。但不知道譯的是否正確?有幾個網頁有出現這一句,在看過上下文後,我認為 「Your hair is messy」都頗符合「你頭髮好亂」的意思。
也可以用「messy hair」表示「凌亂的頭髮」,例:「my messy hair」。張學友的「頭髮亂了」就有翻成「Messy hair」。
「他一頭亂髮」-「He has messy hair」,這句通常有來形容髮型樣式(style)。
「Your hair is in a mess」,「你的頭髮一團亂」。
網路搜尋的結果,僅有一個「xxx's hair is topsy-turvy」和一個「xxx's hair is at sixes and sevens」。
「Your hair is upside down」有解釋是「靠頭皮的部份顏色深而尾端淺」。