You said it.你說得對=You can say that again.
A: It's so hot today! 今天很熱。
B: You said it. 你說得對。
情境: 表示同意別人看法
常用溝通用語/ 適用場合
A. I can't agree more. 口語用法表示很同意
B. That's right (true) (OK). 同意別人的問題、敘述
C. I agree (with you) 同意別人所言
D. Yes, I think it is. 認為所言是真,但不能完全確定
E. You can say that again. (You said it.) 強調你完全同意別人所言
F. I'm all for it. 對別人的提議感到興奮
Examples 實例演示
例 1
A: Taipei is bigger than Keelung. 台北比基隆大。
B: That's right (true). 對。
例 2
A: The traffic in Taipei is terrible. 台北交通很可怕。
B: I agree with you. 我同意。
例 3
A: Is Canada bigger than the United States? 加拿大比美國大嗎?
B: Yes, I think it is. 我認為如此。
例 4
A: Do you want to go on the roller coaster? 你要去坐雲霄飛車嗎 ?
B: Yes, I'm all for it. 我完全同意 。
I think so too.我也這麼想。
I couldn't agree more.我不能再多贊成一點了。完全贊成。
Tell me about it. 就是說啊。我完全贊成。(Faineant:感覺好像中文的『還用得著你說嗎?』)
Right on. 說得對。剛剛說到對的地方。
You are so right. 一點也沒錯。
I know! 就是啊!
You took the words right out of my mouth. 你說得太對了。
I couldn't have said it better. 你講得太好了,我沒辦法講得更好。
I second that. 我附議。
來源:All about expressing yourself/鮑佳欣