
流行美語 Cut it out! / wishy-washy

You want someone to stop bothering you. What would you say? It starts with “Cut…”

這是The daily idiom的review question。



cut it out (第二段)

flip flop / wishy-washy




篇不是要講美國牛肉又被禁(U.S. beef imports banned again)的新聞,而是要提它另一個俚語上的意思。請看幾個例句,試著猜猜它的意思。

My personal beef is the traffic and the attendant air pollution.

My main beef about the job is that I have to work on Saturdays.


beef 在這指的是牢騷、抱怨,可當名詞也可當動詞。

Taiwan sucks?


Taiwan sucks?!?! Give me a break!

I have been in Taiwan for almost six months, and I have to say that my experience has been nothing but pleasurable. You'll read things like you won't get your rent deposit back, your employer will screw you over, the work is drying up, and that Taiwan generally sucks.

To retort to all of those comments. Technically you won't get your rent deposit back, you will get your last two months free, and try to through a realtor because it is safer.

Next, if you don't want your boss to screw you, then don't piss him off. I am one of six foreign teachers in my school and the others can always find reasons to complain. Consequently they're their positions are no longer guaranteed. You have to realiz realize there are going to be things about the school you don't like, but you are not there to change policy, you are there to a job, work hard and so you shall reap the benefits. Coming to Taiwan is not a free ride, people think it's easy money and when things don't go the way they planned then they finds things to blame ontheir employer or the country.

In terms of the work drying up, just make sure you've secured a job before you come down here.

And does Taiwan suck, like any place it is what you make it, you decide whether or not you want to be miserable, don't dwell on all the negative aspects and you'll be happy. Of course there are bad employers out there, just do your hokmework before you sign a contract.

Things are different here and if you are not willing (to) exept accept those differneces differences and adapt to them, then don't come, but when things don't go your way then don't be quick to blame everyone else but yourself.

If you want to make sure that your experience will be as great as mine contact me and I can help you, but don't velieve believe all the crap about about Taiwan being a huge mistake, that person was obviously only in it for the money, you need to really be interested in teaching, otherwise naturally you won't be happy.

By the way my boss is great, he loaned me the money to get on my feet and to go to Hong Kong when I accidentally overstayed my Visa.

Another thing, a lot of these attacks on schools could be rival schools, the business is very competitive.

But just do your job and you won't be a bitter teacher like all the rest you read about.

give me a break
=have a heart (give me a chance, be kind to me)
=cut me some slack (give me a chance)


來唱歌囉--Old MacDonald Had a Farm


Old MacDonald had a farm.
And on his farm he had a duck.
With a quack quack here and a quack quack there.
Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack.
Old MacDonald had a farm.


Learn a Song Podcast (MP3 Files to Help You Learn Songs in English)


How to improve pronunciation and fluency (BBC Learning English)

全文請見Improve your pronunciation and fluency


Pronunciation is getting the sounds right, and of course it's also getting the intonation and the rhythm right – it's not just individual sounds, it's pushing them all together.

Fluency perhaps overlaps there a little bit. Fluency is saying things easily. Being fluent is more a question of being confident in the vocabulary, and how to put the words together in the grammar – being confident in that - …and just being confident in your ability to express yourself and having a go.

It's those psychological factors much more than whether you can get your tongue around the individual sounds. In fact people whose pronunciation is poor, but who speak fluently and put it together and get it out reasonably quickly, are usually easier to understand than people who’re taking a lot of trouble over their pronunciation and therefore are slowing themselves down, and speaking one word at a time.

When you're speaking, don't think about the individual sounds and getting those right. Think about groups of words, and think about meaningful groups of words, and getting those out as quickly and as smoothly as you can.


What the heck?




Joe是我在美國羽球場上結識的一位白人朋友!平常老聽他喊窮,由於一般印象裡,白人在美國是收入較豐、社會地位較高的族群,所以對於Joe的抱怨頗不以為然。Joe看我一副不以為意的樣子,故意眨眨眼睛促狹說:「I am a cracker!」


乍聽到這個詞,我直接聯想到餅乾之類的零食,原本還以為Joe是說他窮到只能以餅乾之類的零食果腹。後來經由Joe的解說,我才知道「cracker」 是指窮苦白人的意思!






後來有一次打完球,有位球友提議大夥一起去吃飯,大家都舉手覆議,只有Brian(也是白人)表示說,他沒帶錢包出門,不能去。我直覺地冒出一句:「You are a cracker !」原本以為是幽默,沒想到卻引起全場白人一陣譁然!Joe急著幫我打圓場,並且跟我解釋說,這個「c word」是黑人用來貶抑白人的字,就好像白人貶抑黑人的「n word」(Negro)一樣是很不好的字,在公眾場合千萬不能亂說!我這下才恍然大悟,原來白人稱自己是cracker,可能是一種幽默,但是別人叫白人cracker,那可能就是皮在癢了!



get down

有一個意思是『跳舞』(It's quite informal and you hear it a lot in songs, especially in American English.),想到Backstreet Boys的『Get down』,覺得歌詞裡的get down用『跳舞』這個意思來用,頗為合適的。

get down這裡列出了幾個意思,而在urban dictionary裡,有人下了很有趣的定義:

An action, depends on race. See example

In a war, if the commander yells "Get down!"
The White Soldiers: Will fall to the ground.
The Black Soldiers: Will begin dancing.

get down這個意思要看種族而定義的一個動作,請看例子:

在一場戰爭中,如果一個指揮官大喊『Get down!』,

Urban Dictionary是開放給大家為字下定義,所以有些定義是很前衛又另類。


Idiom: a mile a minute

"Some people would just talk to her a mile a minute, using all sorts of idioms and slang without even knowing it,...."

a mile a minute: very rapidly(Information From Answers.com)

Example: She was talking a mile a minute about the accident.

to talk a mile a minute:滔滔不絕(Common Local English Expressions)

"slang"統指俚語,並不指一個一個的俚語;前面不可加"a",也沒有plural式"slangs"。例如可以說"This word is slang."和"All these phrases are slang",不可說"This word is a slang." 和"All these phrases are slangs."


兩則中英對照Taiwan News


Jackie Chan apologizes over negative Taiwan remarks
負面批評台灣 成龍道歉

Local art firms win awards but lose audiences
台灣電影贏得大獎 卻失去觀眾的心

School is almost over.




You said it.你說得對=You can say that again.
A: It's so hot today! 今天很熱。
B: You said it. 你說得對。

情境: 表示同意別人看法
常用溝通用語/ 適用場合
A. I can't agree more. 口語用法表示很同意
B. That's right (true) (OK). 同意別人的問題、敘述
C. I agree (with you) 同意別人所言
D. Yes, I think it is. 認為所言是真,但不能完全確定
E. You can say that again. (You said it.) 強調你完全同意別人所言
F. I'm all for it. 對別人的提議感到興奮

Examples 實例演示

例 1
A: Taipei is bigger than Keelung. 台北比基隆大。
B: That's right (true). 對。

例 2
A: The traffic in Taipei is terrible. 台北交通很可怕。
B: I agree with you. 我同意。

例 3
A: Is Canada bigger than the United States? 加拿大比美國大嗎?
B: Yes, I think it is. 我認為如此。

例 4
A: Do you want to go on the roller coaster? 你要去坐雲霄飛車嗎 ?
B: Yes, I'm all for it. 我完全同意 。



I think so too.我也這麼想。
I couldn't agree more.我不能再多贊成一點了。完全贊成。
Tell me about it. 就是說啊。我完全贊成。(Faineant:感覺好像中文的『還用得著你說嗎?』)
Right on. 說得對。剛剛說到對的地方。
You are so right. 一點也沒錯。
I know! 就是啊!
You took the words right out of my mouth. 你說得太對了。
I couldn't have said it better. 你講得太好了,我沒辦法講得更好。
I second that. 我附議。

來源:All about expressing yourself/鮑佳欣



這裡瀏覽了一週國際新聞頭條,對於這個『Cult-like lure of "Ana" attracts anorexics』內容有些興趣,而上網找了新聞文章來讀


Ana is short for anorexia, and — to the alarm of experts — many who suffer from the potentially fatal eating disorder are part of an underground movement that promotes self-starvation and, in some cases, has an almost cult-like appeal.

Followers include young women and teens who wear red Ana bracelets and offer one another encouraging words of "thinspiration" on Web pages and blogs.

They share tips for shedding pounds and faithfully report their "cw" and "gw" — current weight and goal weight, which often falls into the double digits. They also post pictures of celebrity role models, including teen stars Lindsay Lohan and Mary-Kate Olsen, who last year set aside the acting career and merchandising empire she shares with her twin sister to seek help for her own eating disorder.

"Put on your Ana bracelet and raise your skinny fist in solidarity!" one "pro-Ana" blogger wrote shortly after Olsen entered treatment.

Lindsay Lohan(top);Mary-Kate Olsen(bottom)

Ana bracelet?『安娜』(厭食症)的手鍊?
Excerpts from Anorexia Bracelets Reveal Secret Society
They look like any bracelet you might buy at the mall. You probably wouldn't even notice if your child started wearing one, but these are not just any bracelet.

They are a sign of membership in a disturbing world of underground Web sites, which connect people who share a dangerous passion.

"They are encouraging people to be ill and it's like a secret cult, a secret society. Word spreads around and people have a lingo now," said Lynne Grege of the National Eating Disorders Association.

The nickname Ana is for anorexia and Mia is for bulimics.



After reading some tips for improving English speaking skills in the learners' forum of Englishclub.com yesterday, I decided to record my speaking in hopes to reinforce my spoken English. I downloaded Audacity, a software for recording and editing sounds, and iPodder. I learned the two from Englishcaster.

我前幾個星期已加入了其中一個Englishcast-The Daily Idiom的RSS,也就是在左下角落落長的newsgator裡。The Daily Idiom有podcast,可選擇下載或是直接收聽,網站也附上了transcript,是一個很棒的學英文成語的網站。


no sooner had..than (BBC Learning English)



有人問這位Swan教授要如何將一句no sooner had...than 寫成的句子拆成兩半,以好理解。

Swan教授表示要先知道什麼動作先發生,什麼動作後發生,這樣的句子極少在對話中出現,有可能讀到或寫出這樣的句子,例如他舉的例子:No sooner had I arrived at the station than the train came in,跟別人說話時就會是:The train came in just after I got to the station,或是:I had only just got to the station when the train came in ,諸如此類。

當我們在『背』這一類的句型時,一定也會看到這兩個字『Hardly』和『scarcely 』,Swan教授也提到了,這兩個和第一個是差不多用法,只是than變成了when,如:Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train came in”,或Scarcely had I arrived at the station when the train came in。因為sooner是比較級,所以用than。


Eye on Taiwan


Listen to audio, click here.

Link to the article, click here.

Nice talking to you.

這是Living English裡第廿集的會話內容:

Elderly lady: It was nice talking to you.
Anne: You too.

不曉得有沒有人會覺得很奇怪,不是應該說Me, too (我也是) 嗎?怎麼會是You too (你也是)?我曾在EZ Talk的Q&A裡看到有讀者提出類似問題(A: Nice to meet you. B: You too. 為什麼不是Me, too?) ,為了將EZ的解說放上來供大家參考,我把手邊的幾本EZ Talk雜誌翻了又翻卻遍尋不著,我想或許是在向同學借來的那幾期裡吧。EZ Talk的回答跟這個日本網站的說法是一樣的,「You too」是「Nice to meet you, too.」的簡略說法。

如同這裡說的,除了回答「You too」之外,也可以說「Same here」,和「我也一樣」差不多意思。

這裡了解「You too」是個好用句,當有人跟你說「Good night」,除了回一句「Good night」之外,也可講「You too」。若有人對你說「Have a nice day」,也可以用「You too」。


如何學英文 (網站:英文)

這個英文網站有商業性質,他們希望想把英文學好的人能訂購某個商品,但撇開這個不看,他們有幾篇關於『如何學英文』的文章,可供學英文的人參考。我看過其中一位站長的簡介,是位波蘭人,他說他學英文的歷程就和我們差不多,寫作業等之類的,非常窮極無聊,花了八年的時間學英文,英文也沒有好到哪去,直到一位友人介紹他『那個』(也就是該網站促銷的東西),他的英文才大躍進。好幾次他都被誤以為是英語為母語的人士,英文嗄嗄叫。 在他簡介結尾的部分提到:「I am addicted to English. I love the language, and I love using it. I like writing English sentences, speaking English to native speakers, reading books and the Web, watching American movies, and so on. I like the intellectual challenge of using a foreign language. When I learn something new about English, I feel I'm getting better and more powerful。」我英文肯定沒他好,但我完全體會他這一段文字的心情,和他一樣我也對英文著迷(雖然討厭背單字),和他一樣我也愛這個語言(它是我的valentine),和他一樣我也愛用英文(雖然時有謬用),和他一樣我也愛寫英文句子(雖然也常出錯),更和他一樣,每當我學到關於英文的新的東西的時候,我感覺很棒而且更有力量!

How to learn English 如何學英文

1. Motivation 動機--讓自己變得喜歡學英文
Why learn English?

2. Dictionary 字典--找一本好的英文字典
3. No mistakes 無誤--避免錯誤,嘗試在一開始就使用正確的英文
How can you avoid making mistakes?

4. Pronunciation 發音--學著去發英文的音,了解標音和音標

Why should you study English pronunciation?

5. Input 輸入--藉由大量閱讀和聽英文句子讓英文進入你的腦海裡
What is input and why do you need it?


The intelligent dog


extraordinary (extra + ordinary)


What's wrong with this sentence?

"I want to improve my speaking English."



I want to improve my _______ English.



I want to improve my listening English.我想改善我聽英語的能力
I want to improve my spoken English.我想改善我說英語的能力
I want to improve my reading English.我想改善我讀英文的能力
I want to improve my written English. 我想改善我寫英文的能力

If your reading English is as good as your written English,........

My written French is fairly good, but I do not have much opportunity to SPEAK French except in class.


Living English

Living EnglishABC(Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Asia Pacific--Nexus的內容之一,內容其實不難,難就在『聽』上,速度快(I know那是他們正常說話的速度)且有澳洲口音,但多聽幾遍就會懂了。故事開始於一位來自新加坡的女生到澳洲洽商順便尋找失蹤的弟弟…

我目前看到了第12集,一集約一至二分鐘不等。 內容精彩可期!XD


Living English is for the English language learner at a beginner, or near beginner level. It is especially for people who wish to learn or revise their basic English skills.

Watch episode 1, click here.

Go to the webpage of episode 1, click here.




Q:我們可以將"As the boy was frightened, he cried"簡化成"Frightened, the boy cried",那是不是不能將"As she is happy, she is singing"簡化成"Happy, she is singing"?

A:像「frightened」等這些字是動詞形態(分詞)拿來做為形容詞,要只用一個單字來描述上列你所舉出的行為時,通常只有分詞而不是普通的形容詞。然而,像那樣子使用 happy 這個形容詞是有可能的,特別是再在短句裡加上一些字:

1.Happy again for the first time in a year, he wrote a long letter to his mother.
2.Happy at last, he wrote a letter to his mother.
3.Happy, we wrote his mother.



1. As a rock star, he makes a lot of money.
2. Being a rock star, he makes a lot of money.
3. A rock star, he makes a lot of money.



上面的第一句和第二句,在第一和第二個短句中間暗示了因果關係,也就是說,它們兩句皆意指 X 賺了很多錢,因為他是個搖滾巨星。

相反地,第三句的因果關聯比較沒那麼強烈。第三句較等同於「He is a rock star AND he makes a lot of money」,有沒有因果關係則由你來決定。

The original text:

This is a matter more of style than grammar. Words like "fightened" etc. are verb forms (participles) that are used as adjectives. Usually it is only participles, not ordinary adjectives, that are used all by themselves in the manner you describe. However, it is possible to use an adjective like "happy" in that way, especially if you add a few more words to the phrase:

1. Happy again for the first time in a year, he wrote a long letter to his mother.
2. Happy at last, he wrote a letter to his mother.
3. Happy, we wrote his mother.

The third sentence is unusual stylistically, but it is not ungrammatical.

The following sentences are all correct:

1. As a rock star, he makes a lot of money.
2. Being a rock star, he makes a lot of money.
3. A rock star, he makes a lot of money.

The third sentence is a bit more literary in style than the other two.

(This use of a phrase without any verbs in it to modify a subsequent noun or pronoun is called an "absolute" construction. It came into English writing because of the influence of the Classical Latin authors, I believe. It is used much more often in writing than in conversation.)

Sentences 1 and 2 suggest a causal connection between the first phrase and the second. That is, they both suggest that X makes a lot of money BECAUSE he is a rock star.

In contrast, in Sentence 3 the causal connection is much more muted. Sentence 3 is more nearly equivalent to "He is a rock star AND he makes a lot of money. Whether there is a causal connection is left to you to decide.


Let's listen to some English everyday!


Click here to watch video.

Link to transcript, click here.

What language are the kids learning?

Why do the parents want their kids to learn the language?

[TaiwanNews]Students say new exam a breeze

Students say new exam a breeze
2005-05-31 / Taiwan News, Staff Reporter / By Lu Chia-ying/Translated by Claire Lai 翻譯:賴美君

Teachers and examinees generally felt that test questions were relatively easy in most subjects after more than 300,000 junior high school students completed a two-day proficiency test yesterday.

The 322,328 students who took the test have been referred to in the local media as "guinea pigs," because they are the first batch of students who have gone through the government's reformed elementary and junior high curriculum.

Education Minister Tu Cheng-sheng said after the exams that the affirmative attitude of most experts, teachers and the media to the latest proficiency test indicated that the nation's educational reforms were moving in the right direction.

He suggested that parents and students trust in the government's educational reforms, rather than insisting that the reforms have only brought a greater burden to students.

Examinees can take a second proficiency test on July 9 and 10 if they feel their performance this past weekend was not adequate.

Students can decide whether the proficiency test will be the only determinant or simply a part of an overall record in deciding which high school they will attend in the future. In the past, students' fate would entirely depend on how they performed on the entrance exam.








當副詞子句*的主詞與主要子句的主詞相同時(1)把副詞子句的主詞去掉,(2)將連接詞省略(有時可以不省略) (3)再將動詞改為分詞,主動用現在分詞,被動用過去分詞,其句型變換如下:


3、被動式的分詞構句Being+p.p; Hving been +p.p 其中 Being 和 Having been 常被省略

While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
=While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
=Walking to class, I ran into an old friend.

Because she needed some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.
=Needing some money to buy a book, Sue cashed a check.

If you turn to the left, you will find the house.
=Turning to the left, you will find the house.

Though he is a boy, he knows many things.
=Being a boy, he knows many things.

His father died, and left him no fortune.
=His father died, leaving him no fortune.

As it was written in haste, the book has many mistakes.
=Written in haste, the book has many mistakes.

完成式分詞構句 (主動為having + 過去分詞,被動為 having been +過去分詞)表示比主要子句的動詞早完成,因此若分詞所表示的動作比主要子句的動詞先完成,則要用完成式分詞。

After he had had breakfast, he began his work as usual.
=Having had breakfast, he began his work as usual.

Because the book has been written in haste, it has some faults.
=(Having been) written in haste, the book has some faults.
【註】被動式的 Having been 可以省略。(上面的註三有說到)



as soon as

now that

even though

only if
whether or not
even if
in case
in the event that

Betty Schrampfer Azar, UNDEARSTANDING AND USING English Grammar, Prentice Hall Regents


黛西生活美語-工具箱裡才得知 ELLLO 的網站,這樣一個好站為什麼在yahoogoogle以"English listening"搜的結果都不在前幾名呢?若是嫌我的實用連結英文網站blogrolling多到讓你眼花瞭亂不知所措的話,就試試黛西推荐的吧。閣下若還再到處尋找『如何學好英文』的答案,除了這一篇之外,可以參閱一下黛西寫的建議




Singapore's Stefanie Sun wins Golden Melody Award for best female artist

Singaporean favorite Stefanie Sun on Saturday was named best female artist at the 16th annual Golden Melody Awards, Taiwan's premier musical competition.

The victory marked the singer's comeback, achieved with "Stefanie," in the Chinese-language music competition which has a format similar to the U.S. Grammys.

In the best male artist category, Taiwan's Stanley Huang won for his metal-tinged rap rock album "Shades Of My Mind." Huang first gained fame in the hip-hop boy band the L.A. Boyz before striking out on his own.

His latest album was up for five awards.

Taiwanese singer Sandee Chan won best album of the year and best producer for "Then We All Wept in Silence."

Earlier, Taiwan's ethnic minority Hakka band Sheng Xiang/Water 3 won the prize for best rock group.

The victory was the third for the group. The win constituted a breakthrough for the band, which has been trying to gain a foothold in the top tier of the vibrant Taiwanese music scene.

Earlier, Sheng Xiang/Water 3 won in the best lyrics and best Hakka album categories.

The band's music describes the travails of farmers and workers using traditional instruments and singing in Hakka, a dialect spoken by an ethnic Chinese minority scattered throughout mainland China as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and other parts of Asia.

Though its potential for commercial appeal might seem limited, Sheng Xiang/Water 3 had the highest number of nominations _ seven _ of any participant in Saturday's awards.

Hakkas, of ethnic Chinese origin, make up about 15 percent of Taiwan's population of 23 million. They are also well represented on the Chinese mainland.

In other key Golden Melody award, the Taiwanese aboriginal duo Power Station emerged victorious in the best vocal group category.

Aboriginals constitute less than 2 percent of Taiwan's population, but led by female pop icon A-mei, hold a prominent position in the island's musical culture.

The award for best new artist went to Taiwan's F.I.R., a rock trio with a female vocalist, for its debut album "F.I.R."

The Golden Melody Awards is distributing prizes in 33 categories, ranging from "best Taiwanese dialect vocal" to "album of the year."

The competition has a distinctly Asian accent, featuring three Chinese dialects and several aboriginal dialects from Taiwan.



Work likes you don't need the money.
Love likes you've never been hurt.
Dance likes nobody's watching.



Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like nobody's watching.

Goolge "work like you don't need the money."