
網站介紹:Grammar and Writing / 常見的文法問題 / people VS persons

我真的忘記我怎麼來到這個網站的,也真的忘記我為何逛到Frequently Asked Questions,我無意間看到『people vs persons』,這個疑問躲在我腦中有一段時日了,不是說person的複數就是people,為何又有persons呢? 兩者該如何運用呢?

網站裡有許多英文文法和寫作的知識,而在Frequently Asked Questions這一區裡,解答了許多人常有的英文問題。

affect versus effect
accept versus except
bad versus badly
bring versus take
compare to versus compare with
different from versus different than
do versus make
due to versus because
if versus whether
into versus in to
its versus it's
i.e. versus e.g.
less versus fewer
lie versus lay
people versus persons
shall versus will
that versus which
toward versus towards
well versus good

BBC Learning English/Ask About English: Person and people

So in summary, normally you find 'people' as the plural form of 'person' – one person, three people. Sometimes you'll find people used to describe the nationality so you'll find 'peoples' to describe different nationalities and sometimes you'll find the word 'persons' in more formal styles of writing or in signs for example.

Word of mouth


"word of mouth"

Something that you heard from other people you know by word of mouth.

Example: "How did you hear about this party?"
Reply: "Word of mouth."

When you say that you heard something word of mouth, you are not being specific about whose mouth you heard it from; just that you heard it from another person.

Example: "There has been talk at school about canceling the concert." Reply: "Really? Who did you hear that from?" Answer: "Just word of mouth."

We do rely on what other people tell us, so word of mouth is one important way that we learn things. If something is "only" (or "just") word of mouth then you might not know where the "word" really started or how it changed as it went from "mouth" to "mouth".

Example: "Did you hear they finally arrested that guy?"
Reply: "Yes, but that's only word of mouth."

Example: "Where did you hear that?"
Reply: "Just word of mouth."

explanation and example sentences from English, Baby!:

Sometimes, you hear about a movie through word of mouth.

word of mouth (expression)
- something you hear from someone else

Example: I found out through word of mouth that my boyfriend has another girlfriend.





For more samples of short essays, you can check out the website at




英語教學 研究報告

資料來源: Teaching by Principles, by H. Douglas Brown, pp.221-223

學習英語的五十種策略 資料收集/翻譯者:陳慧文

Part A

1. I think of relationships between what I already know and new things I learn in English.


2. I use new English words in a sentence so I can remember them.


3. I connect the sound of a new English word and an image or picture of the word to help me remember the word.


4. I remember a new English word by making a mental picture of a situation in which the word might be used.


5. I use rhymes to remember new English words.


6. I use flashcards to remember new English words.


7. I physically act out new English words.


8. I review English lessons often.


9. I remember new English words or phrases by remembering their location on the page, on the board, or on a street sign.

記生字或片語時, 會去記這些生字或片語, 出現在那一頁、那一個刊版、或那一個街道的標示上.

Part B

10. I say or write new English words several times.


11. I try to talk like native English speakers.


12. I practice the sounds of English.


13. I use the English words I know in different ways.


14. I start conversations in English.


15. I watch English language TV shows spoken in English or go to movies spoken in English.


16. I read for pleasure in English.


17. I write notes, messages, letters, or reports in English.


18. I first skim an English passage (read over the passage quickly), then go back and read carefully.


19. I look for words in my own language that are similar to new words in English.


20. I try to find patterns in English.


21. I find the meaning of an English word by dividing it into parts that I understand.


22. I try not to translate word-for-word.


23. I make summaries of information that I hear or read in English.


Part C

24. To understand unfamiliar English words, I make guesses.


25. When I can’t think of a word during a conversation in English, I use gestures.


26. I make up new words if I do not know the right ones in English.


27. I read English without looking up every new word.


28. I try to guess what the other person will say next in English.


29. If I can't think of an English word, I use a word or phrase that means the same thing.


Part D

30. I try to find as many ways as I can to use my English.


31. I notice my English mistakes and use that information to help me do better.


32. I pay attention when someone is speaking English.

每當有人說英語時, 注意聽.

33. I try to find out how to be a better learner of English.


34. I plan my schedule so I will have enough time to study English.


35. I look for people I can talk to in English.


36. I look for opportunities to read as much as possible in English.


37. I have clear goals for improving my English skills.


38. I think about my progress in learning English.


Part E

39. I try to relax whenever I feel afraid of using English.


40. I encourage myself to speak English even when I am afraid of making a mistake.


41. I give myself a reward or treat when I do well in English.


42. I notice if I am tense or nervous when I am studying or using English.

43. I write down my feelings in a language learning diary.


44. I talk to someone else about how I feel when I am learning English.


Part F

45. If I do not understand something in English, I ask the other person to slow down or say it again.


46. I ask English speakers to correct me when I talk.


47. I practice English with other students.


48. I ask for help from English speakers.


49. I ask questions in English.


50. I try to learn about the culture of English speakers.


Reference:, 專業成長


(1) Idiom: at loose ends (2) 看娛樂新聞學英文

at loose ends-美式用法
at a loose end-英式用法


not knowing what to do ; not having anything in particular to do

中譯: 沒有事做、沒什麼事


I have been at loose ends since I graduated from school.
Drop by if you find yourself at loose ends this weekend.

M-W's Learner's Word of the Day (5/25)

Merriam-Webster Online有每日一字可訂閱,那些單字都過於艱澀,連以英語為母語的人士都覺得招架不住,遑論我們這些學英文的人。
"It is far too advanced for beginning ESL students and is challenging for even native speakers of English. I'm glad to see that now they are providing this new service that is better suited to the needs of ESL learners. "

基於這個原因,他們設了一個Learners Word of the day,歡迎學習者踴躍訂閱,每日將會收到一封『每日一字』。


Taiwanese singer Vivian Hsu makes comeback with new image

Love Unreservedly 狠狠愛

(1) reserved:保留的。
(2)『 un 』表否定,unreserved:沒有保留的。
(3) 必須以『副詞』來修飾動詞,
故『 unreserved 』→ 『 unreservedly 』。
(4)『-ly 』是普遍的副詞形式。

Eyes That Love to Laugh 愛笑的眼睛


貼密(郵寄秘密) Post Secret



(1)I'm afraid to take the next step.

(2) When I worked at the post office as a cleark, I would read post cards as I sorted them!!!!! Are you guys still doing that?????

(3) This girl was at my birthday party and I have no idea who she is.

(4) I hate loving families......because I don't have one.

(5) Sometimes I think my fiance isn't the one.

(6) I donated 40 dollars to the tsunami relief fund. Now that I'm brok I regret it.

(7) My dad died when I was 9 and I convinced myself he'd faked his own death for some reason (undercover agent, chased by mob, etc.) and that he'd come back someday. When I was 12, I found out from my psychiatrist that this is a pretty stupid idea. I'm 25 now. I still wonder when it'll be safe for him to come otu of hiding and find me.

(8) I'm always searching for an escape.

(9) I'm still in love with her. I hope she read this, and recognizes my handwriting. This is also my last try.

(10) Sometimes I still keep one eye open after I've supposedly gone to sleep just in case my stuffed animals come to life.

"I wish I could give all these people on the site a hug and tell them it's ok to be human."
-Washington DC

Yahoo! Picks-February 8, 2005
Little secrets online
What's Your Secret?
Guilty secrets and a public pleasure
USA Today-Hot Sites
Postcards Feature Secret Messages from Strangers


Writing.網站介紹『Free online English lesssons』

我想找一些應用的東西放上來,找了一些有關寫作方面的主題,在茫茫網海中看了幾個不錯的,如English Works! Writing Letters,依照信件內容分類(個人信件→抱怨信、道歉信、邀請函…等,還有很多)教你如何寫信和告訴你寫信格式,非常實用。原本我想放美國筆友寫給我的信給大家參考分享順便學英文,um...maybe next time.

而另一個網站Parapal Online-English Express 內含各式各樣的互動練習,站上的練習是專為提升學習者英文的聽、寫、讀、字彙和文法技巧而設計的。

這是求職信(Cover letter),開頭Dear Sir/Madam,結尾必用Yours faithfully,。很多人會問為何要叫cover letter,歐美履歷除履歷表外還要再寫一封信(求職信),內容簡述自己在哪得知該職缺和將履歷表上所列的『具體化』一番。我們可以這麼想,求職信就好似(cover)『蓋在』履歷表上的,故稱cover letter。

English Works!-Cover Letters by by Janel Muyesseroglu 這篇講的很詳盡。(範例信件裡的開頭Dear Mr.Straub,結尾Sincerely/或Yours sincerely,,這是標準商業書信格式哦,不可亂配)

Parapal Online的標題列:

Free online English lesssons:Letters, EAP, IELTS, FCE and CAE style

EAP根據這網頁,應該就是學術英文的意思。English for Academic purposes,而這裡簡述了FCE和CAE的意思


The more, the merrier.

首頁左邊sidebar的Useful links會一直補充,尤其是英文網站連結的部分,the more, the merrier!(多多益善)(many->more, merry->merrier)

英文網站部分有廣播或線上新聞時事新聞媒體,如週刊電視娛樂相關的 (有加入六人行劇本-Friends Transcripts-下載網站,喜歡的人要下要快,可以一次下載1-10季),聽力有關教導英文用法、慣用語、工具"書" ,線上閱讀(有詩,短、長篇散文…等),還有ESL/EFL網站了,在學英文的去就對了。

今天讓我發現了一件事情,無意間點進English Daily的網站,瀏覽了他們家的Conversation時,看到有幾個標題似曾相識,原來我在蘋果派生活美語看過了,English Daily網站裡的Conversation對話有幾個和蘋果派生活美語裡的對話是一模一樣的。就拿『He only drinks shorts』這個主題來說,這是English Daily的這是Apple Daily的,see, they are the same. 『She is such a gossipmonger ! 』『I've been bursting to tell you』…等等等,還有我先前也從蘋果派生活美語貼過來的『I haven't the foggiest,都有中英文版哦(I haven't the foggiest的英文對照組)。儘管如此,對學習者來說也是利多,有現成翻譯又可多學一點,多好。其實呀,現在學習知識俯拾即是,個人成就與否真的關鍵就在自己。這時我又想起了那一個電視劇的台詞,『努力的基礎在於有沒有熱情』,你對英文充滿熱情嗎? Well, I hope so.



BBC Learning English (BBC學英文)
CBS News - CBS News Video (CBS新聞視訊)
English Daily (每日英語-有每日對話和笑話)
MSNBC.com: Health (關於健康方面有什麼最新發現和研究?)
NYT > Most E-mailed Articles (紐約時報:多數人轉寄的文章)
Taipei Times


今天從報上得知BBC員工罷工事件,沒想到BBC新聞自己也不避諱的報導了,請看BBC Learning English-Words in the News BBC Strike這篇報導。我不是經常鎖定BBC Learning English的新聞,這則新聞也是我在瀏覽左下角文章標題時撇見的…

here, programmes

to face the severest disruption
to be badly affected ('to face' means 'to deal with')



to cut
to reduce (the number of jobs)

cruel, barbaric

harm, result in lower quality

efficiency savings
reduction in money spent in order to be more productive with minimum waste of effort

reinvested in
put back into




Write a Self Introduction-在空白的框裡重新輸入幾個自己的答案,再按write it,就好了。

Write a self-introduction

Interesting things for ESL Students-趣味的學習英文的東東。

Interesting Things for ESL Students


Reason why 文法討論


1. I know why you did it.
2. I know the reason that you did it.
3. I know the reason why you did it.
4. I know the reason you did it.


第四句也有可能的,因為在英文裡,當附加一個新獨立子句(you did it)到一個主要子句(I know the reason)時,省略連接詞是OK的。第四句是第二、三句的簡化版,若你用第四句的話可以避開第二句或第三句哪句較好的疑慮。

許多有聲望的作家幾百年來就一直使用『the reason why』(第三句),即使如此,一些文法學者(即規範語言學相對於描述語言學)基於兩項主要問題而反對『the reason why』:(1)多餘的寫法(2)『why』沒有或不應該有關係代名詞的功能。(也就是說,依照這派文法學者的角度來看,『why』不能合乎文法的來帶出一個特定名詞,在這裡的特定名詞是『reason』。但用『why』當作不定代名詞(第一句)是OK的,表示該句並沒有明確的先行詞。 )

基於上述我所討論出來的結果,有些人會對『The main reason why wheat was sold is the big harvest of those years』有微詞,而另一方面也有些人會覺得『The main reason that wheat was sold is the big harvest of those years』聽起來很怪,所以我建議你用『The main reason wheat was sold is the big harvest of those years』。

You'll hear all four of these sentences from native speakers. I suppose Sentence 1 is best, because it gets the meaning across with the fewest words.

Sentence 4 is possible because in English it is OK to omit the conjunction when attaching a new dependent clause ("you did it") to a main clause ("I know the reason"). In other words, Sentence 4 is really a shortened form of either Sentence 2 or Sentence 3. So if you use Sentence 4, you can sidestep the question of whether Sentence 2 or Sentence 3 is better.

Reputable writers have been saying "the reason why" (Sentence 3) for hundreds of years. Even so, until recently, some grammarians (i.e., prescriptive as opposed to descriptive linguists) have objected to "the reason why" on two main grounds: (1) it is redundant; (2) the word "why" does not, or should not, function as a relative pronoun. (That is, according to these grammarians, "why" cannot be used to grammatically refer to a particular noun, in this case "reason." But it is OK to use "why" as an indefinite pronoun (Sentence 1), meaning that there is no specific antecedent.)

5. The main reason wheat was sold is the big harvest of those years.

6. The main reason why wheat was sold is the big harvest of those years.

7. The main reason that wheat was sold is the big harvest of those years.

For the reasons I've discussed, some people will complain about Sentence 6. On the other hand, some people think that Sentence 7 sounds odd. So I suggest you waffle and go with Sentence 5.

Originally written by Bill Kelly
Translated by Faineant

我翻過了『文法聖經』,不同於上面提到的那群文法學者,『英文文法聖經』將『why』列為關係代名詞之一,也就是說『文法聖經』同意『the reason why』的用法。


college graduation為例,我們有以下的表達方式:

1a. After I graduated from college ...
1b. After I was graduated from college...
1c. After I graduated college ...

2a. After graduating from college, I ...
2b. After being graduated from college, I ...
2c. After graduating college, I ...
2d. After graduation from college, I ...

我們有時候會聽到1C 和 2C,但很多人視這兩種表達法是未受過教育的人用的。直到近50年前,才教導學子們1b 和 2b 是正確的形式。理由在於是學校讓你畢業,你沒有權利自己畢業。然而1b 和 2b 現在聽起來相當不自然且過氣,尤其是2b。

現在我們最常聽見的1a 和 2a,可是有時也會聽到2d。若想要避免在 a 和 b 形式上做選擇的話,2d 會是一個好的抉擇。

Nowadays you sometimes hear 1c and 2c. But many people regard them as illiterate.

Up until about 50 years ago, pupils were taught that 1b and 2b were the correct forms. The argument was that it is the college that graduates you; you don't have the power or authority to "graduate" yourself.

However, you would sound rather stiff and old fashioned if you used 1b and 2b nowadays -- especially 2b.

1a and 2a is what you hear most often nowadays. However, you do also hear 2d. This is a good choice if you want to avoid having to choose between the a and b forms.

William Kelly
Connecticut USA


每日格言 (5/20)

Ambition is the last refuge of the failure. -Oscar Wilde
野心是失敗最後的避難所。 -王爾德

There are three classes of men; lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of gain. -Plato
(對女人來說)有三種男人:智慧的情人,尊榮的情人,勢利的情人。 -柏拉圖

Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.-Kahlil Gibran

【 卡里.紀伯倫 (Kahlil Gibran)】敘利亞人。一八八三年出生於一宗教氣氛濃厚的家庭。十五歲 時以阿拉伯文第一次寫下了「先知」,二十歲時因著有「反叛的精神」一文,被教會除籍、被政府放逐。他五次重寫英文的「先知」, 直到一九二三年才出版;它是他畢生的代表作,也是他最鍾愛的。書中充滿了真摯的人道主義,以及對人類無比的愛。一九三一年四月十日病逝於紐約。☆  



nip and tuck

CBS News的5月9日某篇文章標題:

Family That Nips & Tucks Together

翻遍字典也找了幾個線上字典(字典1字典2字典3),得到答案皆為: 並駕齊驅/勢均力敵/不相上下 = neck and neck

若看過video知道文章內容,會很快知道這個解釋行不通,實在有夠巧合,批踢踢上竟也有人問到what "nip and tuck" means。有人回覆了,有的,有的,有我期待的答案。

Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus. Free access.給了基本的定義外,在Thesaurus下,有我要的解釋,非常之詳盡,還給了許多同義字!

但其實在我上面列的字典3裡是搜得到的,但不是以nip and tuck來找,而是要鍵入"a nip (here) and a tuck (there)"來搜才搜得到(還有附上例句,不錯),一定要放"( )"才能一下子找到,又或者其實以nip來找就可以了。

Rest assured.


"rest assured"是在Engrish.com裡的FAQ(frequently asked questions)所看見的,對它有種熟悉感,是因為它出現在羅比威廉斯(Robbie Williams)的Better man(更好的男人)第二段裡,我自己的中文網誌背景音樂就是放著這首歌,放了有兩個月久。


Better man歌詞

又廢話了那麼久,rest assured意思就在這個「實用生字」網站上查得到,最快在一篇網頁上搜尋的方法就是『編輯』-『在目前網頁尋找』用按鍵就按『Ctrl』+ F正如其名,「實用生字」網站提供了許多實用的詞彙,閣下可以瀏覽一下,說不定會碰到您想知道的英文生字。






Laptop & Notebook






《中英對照讀新聞》Laptop design can be a pain in the posture

◎ 陳宜君

No nationwide studies document the trend, but anecdotally, doctors and physical therapists say that as portable computers become cheaper, more powerful, smaller and lighter, and as wireless Internet access becomes ubiquitous, thousands are suffering persistent back, shoulder, wrist and neck aches.


The culprit: The keyboard and screen on laptops are too close to each other.


"When you use a laptop, you can make your head and neck comfortable, or you can make your hands and arms comfortable, but it's impossible to do both," says Tom Albin of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, a national think tank that has issued a standards report on ergonomics of computer workstations.


College students, who increasingly are required to own laptops and use them in lecture halls built for 20th-century academic life, are having a particularly rough time. Nearly 49 million laptops were sold worldwide in 2004, almost double the number sold in 2000, an increase from 20.3% of the computer market to 28.5%.




document:可當作動、名詞。本文中作為動詞,意指用文件記載。例句:The history of this area is very well documented. (這個地區的歷史檔案紀錄非常完備。)

culprit:名詞,犯罪者、犯下過失的人。例句:Someone broke windows, but we soon caught the culprit. (有人打破窗戶,但我們很快就抓到肇事者。)

rough:本文當作形容詞,意指簡陋或不舒服的。例句:Life was rough out in the American West in the last century. (上一世紀的美國西部生活極為艱苦。)

far better & WordReference Forums 網站介紹


原文裡出現了"far better","far better" 是遠不及better(就是不好)還是遠超過better(就是非常好)?

WordReference Forums-Far Usages,我找到了答案。

"Far better" means "much better" as in this movie is far better than that movie, this movie is much better than that one."

我大概看了一下WordReference Forums,初步認定是語言討論版,既然我在學英文,就到English only區去吧,發覺有些問題我們也會有呢,由英美人士或英文能力較強者來解答或討論,也許是心理作用,答案可信度來得高。

"driver's licence"和"driving licence"有何不同?


driver's licence 美國常說, driving licence 是英格蘭的用詞(driver's licence is more said in the states, driving licence is the term used in england)


美不論是動詞或名詞皆拼作license ,英國licence作動詞的話才作license。


writing quiz (寫作測驗) & english-at-home網站簡介



How good is your written English? Take our test and find out!
For each question, answer a, b, or c.

(The answers are at the end of the newsletter.)

1. Standard correspondence phrases
(標準通信慣用語 )

Business letters that start "Dear Mr Smith" would end:
(商用書信裡以「Dear Mr Smith」開頭,結尾應為:)

a) Yours sincerely
b) Best wishes
c) Lots of love

2. Grammar 文法

Can you find the grammar mistake in the following sentence:
"This kinds of activities is interesting"

a) Kinds is the wrong word - it should be sorts
b) Activities is misspelt - it should be activity's
c) "This" should be "these" and "is" should be "are" to agree with "kinds" and "activities". (both plural words)

3. Modern business phrases 現代商業慣用語

Which of the three following sentences is the most appropriate for modern business correspondence?

a) I hereby attach our order.
b) I am attaching our order.
c) Here's our order.

4. Vocabulary choice and consistency 辭彙選擇和一貫性

Choose the most appropriate phrase to fill the gap in this sentence:

We regret to inform you that there will be --------- delay in fulfilling your order.

a) a bit of a
b) a mere
c) a slight

5. Linking words 連接字

Choose the correct linking word to fill the gap in this sentence:

--------- an increase in supplier costs, we will have to raise our prices.

a) Although
b) However
c) Due to

6. Writing clearly and concisely 精簡明暸的寫作

What does the following sentence mean?

In our experience, those customers that buy from one of our franchise stores are five times as likely to buy from another of our franchise stores than those customers who buy online; these being more likely to choose between a range of suppliers offering similar goods in terms of product features, product retail prices and product delivery times.

a) More customers buy in franchise stores than buy online.

b) Customers who buy from one of our franchise stores often buy from another franchise store, but online customers have a greater choice.

c) Our goods are different from other suppliers as we have a greater range in product features, product retail prices and product delivery times.

7. Spelling 拼字

What is the correct spelling?

a) Goods receivable
b) Goods recievable
c) Goods receivabul

8. Style 語調

Choose the sentence that best follows this sentence:

Thank you for your application for the post of Sales Manager.

a) Sorry, we don't like your CV.

b) Unfortunately, your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

c) It is regrettable, although perhaps entirely understandable, that in this particular instance we do not find ourselves in the position of being able to offer you gainful employment in our establishment.

9. A comma is. "a comma"的意思是?

a) A serious medical condition
b) A French word
c) A punctuation mark used in lists

10. Tone 口氣

How could you ask your English colleague to send you a report on customer services?

a) I would be grateful if you could send me the report on customer services.

b) It would be more than useful if you would be so kind as to send me the report on customer services.

c) Send me the report on customer services.


Answers to the quiz

1. Standard correspondence phrases

Business letters that start "Dear Mr Smith" would end:
a) Yours sincerely

(Note: using the correct standard phrases is important and makes you sound professional.)

2. Grammar
Can you find the grammar mistake in the following sentence:
"This kinds of activities is interesting"

c) "This" should be "these" and "is" should be "are" to agree with "kinds" and "activities". (both plural words)

(Note: sentences which are grammatically incorrect may cause misunderstanding.)

3. Modern business phrases
Which of the three following sentences is the most appropriate for modern business correspondence?

b) I am attaching our order.

(Note: avoid old-fashioned words such as "hereby" in your writing.)

4. Vocabulary choice and consistency
Choose the most appropriate phrase to full the gap in this sentence:
We regret to inform you that there will be --------- delay in fulfilling your order.

c) a slight

(Note:know when to use formal, informal or neutral words and phrases.)

5. Linking words
Choose the correct linking word to fill the gap in this sentence:
--------- an increase in supplier costs, we will have to raise our prices.

c) Due to

(Note: using the correct linking words allows your reader to follow your ideas easily.)

6. Writing clearly and concisely
What does the following sentence mean?

In our experience, those customers that buy from one of our franchise stores are five times as likely to buy from another of our franchise stores than those customers who buy online; these being more likely to choose between a range of suppliers offering similar goods in terms of product features, product retail prices and product delivery times.

b) Customers who buy from one of our franchise stores often buy from another franchise store, but online customers have a greater choice.

(Note: keep your sentences short and grammatically simple where possible in order to minimise misunderstandings and confusion. The sentence above is difficult to understand, as numerous clauses hide the meaning.)

7. Spelling
What is the correct spelling?
a) Goods receivable

(Note: learn simple spelling rules to help you avoid typical mistakes.)

8. Style
Choose the sentence that best follows this sentence:
Thank you for your application for the post of Sales Manager

b) Unfortunately, your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.

(Note: keep your style consistent throughout the text.)

9. A comma is.
c) A punctuation mark used in lists

(Note: correct punctuation helps your reader understand you.)

10. Tone
How could you ask your English colleague to send you a report on customer services?
a) I would be grateful if you could send me the report on customer services.

(Note: know how to write politely to avoid irritating or insulting your reader!)

How did you score?


點選「real life english」後會出現下拉式選單,選單裡有「特殊情況(Special situations)」、「看牙醫」、「開車」、「預約」、「履歷表(CV's/Resumes)」、「求職信(covering letters)」、「上台報告(presentation)」、「開會」、「打電話」……等等等等,可說是應有盡有。


behind the wheel & 「全民學習外語列車」網站簡介


As millions of Asians get behind the wheel, the region's overloaded roads are becoming highways to hell.

對於"behind the wheel"的意思還不是很了解,故上網查之。而其實在Yahoo奇摩"wheel"的片語裡,就有"behind the wheel"的解釋。在教育部社教博識網裡,有一個全民學習外語列車(英語篇),因為我並非從社教博識網首頁進入,所以我不知道全民學習外語列車是在哪一個分類裡。


我最初找到的網頁是「警察篇」裡的「酒醉駕車」,因為第一句話就出現了"behind the wheel"。好險我不在國外,也不會駕車,因為光是這句的"behind the wheel"就聽嘸了。後來我聽了錄音,發覺有很多英文教學的英語錄音都出現該男聲,比如「EZ Talk」。錄音速度不快,適合初學者學習。
