

這一篇是來自於VOA Learning English的文章「Improve Your Writing by Studying Critical Thinking」,在此分享給想要學習並建立批判性思考的朋友們。

為何「Critical thinking」重要?批判性的思考是思路清楚並將之組織起來的能力。寫作展現的是一個人的思考,學校和雇主常把批判性思考能力看得很重,如美國SAT的考試就有相關的測驗。此外,現今職場中,批判性思考是屬一屬二重要的能力。


  • What is the argument that the writer is making? (作者論點為何)
  • What evidence does the writer use? (作者論證為何)
  • How does the writer present their ideas? (作者如何呈現其想法)
  • How is the writer connecting their ideas? (作者如何將其想法連結起來)
  • How does the writer evaluate information? (作者如何評估資訊)

正如同文中引用了Babi Kruchin 紐約哥倫比亞大學美國語言課程講師所給的學習建議:
"How is the content organized here? How is the writer connecting these ideas? Look at the quote that the writer used. What comes after this quote? Does the writer just leave it as is, or analyze it and adds his or her own idea?"
