剛剛在某網誌看到以「如何學好英文? 李家同:要會寫文章才算學好英文」為題的文章,想分享給進來參觀的網友們來閱讀。請點選「文章來源」。
他強調,若能持續不斷練習,待看得懂CNN、BBC等新聞網站,英文程度就算是相當不錯。在聽力方面,他認為,ICRT、BBC NEWS都唸得太快,不過,一旦單字記得多,自然聽得懂,會寫也就會說了。
它的英文是「foosball」(中間是s而非t),中文譯作「手足球」。而那個桌子就稱「foosball table」。
它的英文是「foosball」(中間是s而非t),中文譯作「手足球」。而那個桌子就稱「foosball table」。
"a far cry from something"
Samsung's forecast is a far cry from the bullishness of rival Motorola, which expects demand for new models to drive growth in the second half.
這是摘自最新一期(2004年11月份)CNN互動式英語雜誌,財經短訊"Contrasting Mobile Market Forecasts"(行動電話業獲利預測差異大)
a far cry from something
My income is a far cry from what my boss earns. 我的收入和老闆賺的錢有天壤之別。
I live on NT $1,000 a month. That is a far cry from "living very well." 我每個月只靠一千元過日子,那跟「過得很好」相去甚遠。
這是摘自最新一期(2004年11月份)CNN互動式英語雜誌,財經短訊"Contrasting Mobile Market Forecasts"(行動電話業獲利預測差異大)
a far cry from something
My income is a far cry from what my boss earns. 我的收入和老闆賺的錢有天壤之別。
I live on NT $1,000 a month. That is a far cry from "living very well." 我每個月只靠一千元過日子,那跟「過得很好」相去甚遠。
College students are a dime a dozen in Taiwan.
a dime a dozen 滿街都是
後來,又給我不小心發現了這個英文網頁(請點"文章來源"),英英解釋英文片語。看它解釋 a dime a dozen:
A Dime A Dozen ( cheap and easy to get ... )
If a thing is very common and easy to get, we say it is "a dime a dozen."
Example: "Do you think I should buy this now and bring it with us?"
Answer: "Don't bother; those are a dime a dozen where we are going." There is no need to get excited or worried about finding something that is a dime a dozen.
Example: "Look what I found!"
Answer: "That's nothing special; those are a dime a dozen." It is easy to find a dime (a 10 cent US coin), and a dozen (12) of something is a common, everyday unit of measure. You are not in a hurry to get a thing which is a dime a dozen because it is not so special and you could get one any time you wanted.
Example: "I don't need friends like him; they are a dime a dozen."
俚語~ word
有個主題講到"Teenager's slang",談話中,有位男士提起有一次,和他的孩子說,「今天星期天,天氣真好啊!」而他孩子回答:「Word」。
A: This band is fantastic!
B: Word.
A: This band is fantastic!
B: Word.
我看「六人行」學英文~ gas
gas 我們知道的意思就是「瓦斯」或「石油」。
但,Pheobe在第十季說到"Babysitting is a gas!" 難道是說帶小孩是個石油!
(2)帶小孩真愉快! --->若選這個請反白--------「答對囉!gas,[俚語],令人非常愉快[[滿意]的人/事物/東西」
但,Pheobe在第十季說到"Babysitting is a gas!" 難道是說帶小孩是個石油!
(2)帶小孩真愉快! --->若選這個請反白--------「答對囉!gas,[俚語],令人非常愉快[[滿意]的人/事物/東西」
A children's counting rhyme
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers, let him go
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
My mother told me to pick you!
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers, let him go
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo
My mother told me to pick you!
No spoilers
網 路 文 章 若 果 含 有 故 事 內 容 的 披 露 , 好 應 事 先 在 題 目 中 警 告 。 Spoiler就 是 讓 不 想 看 到 未 知 故 事 內 容 的 人 事 先 警 戒 , 因 為 有 時 預 先 知 道 故 事 內 容 會 影 響 觀 欣 時 的 感 覺 , 變 得 乏 味 。 ( spoiled) 預 先 提 醒 別 人 你 的 文 章 含 有 spoiler成 份 , 被 視 為 網 路 禮 儀 的 基 本 。
網 路 文 章 若 果 含 有 故 事 內 容 的 披 露 , 好 應 事 先 在 題 目 中 警 告 。 Spoiler就 是 讓 不 想 看 到 未 知 故 事 內 容 的 人 事 先 警 戒 , 因 為 有 時 預 先 知 道 故 事 內 容 會 影 響 觀 欣 時 的 感 覺 , 變 得 乏 味 。 ( spoiled) 預 先 提 醒 別 人 你 的 文 章 含 有 spoiler成 份 , 被 視 為 網 路 禮 儀 的 基 本 。
A squab is a young pigeon. The word usually refers to pigeons that are served as food.
Squab is not seen very often on Western menus. It is considered to be an expensive delicacy.
In the English-speaking world, I would guess that about half of university-educated people would know the word. It would not be as well known as "caviar" (sturgeon roe) as a symbol of a luxurious life style.
Squab is not seen very often on Western menus. It is considered to be an expensive delicacy.
In the English-speaking world, I would guess that about half of university-educated people would know the word. It would not be as well known as "caviar" (sturgeon roe) as a symbol of a luxurious life style.
我看「六人行」學英文~Spit it out!
故事來到第九季尾端,他們在巴貝多參加Ross的演講。前一天晚上,David準備要跟Phoebe求婚,而Chandler和Monica在一旁偷聽。Chandler卻聽David吞吞吐吐,不敢明說,於是他說了一句,「Spit it out! 」
Spit it out! 有以下幾種意思:
=Get it out of your mouth.
說時用連音,[sbi-di-dout ]
Hey, you wanna say something? Spit it out!
故事來到第九季尾端,他們在巴貝多參加Ross的演講。前一天晚上,David準備要跟Phoebe求婚,而Chandler和Monica在一旁偷聽。Chandler卻聽David吞吞吐吐,不敢明說,於是他說了一句,「Spit it out! 」
Spit it out! 有以下幾種意思:
=Get it out of your mouth.
說時用連音,[sbi-di-dout ]
Hey, you wanna say something? Spit it out!
The books in your room are topsy-turvy. Why don't you put them in order?
(2)at sixes and sevens
The place is at sixes and sevens. We have to find someone to clean it up.
(3)upside down
Your brother turned my study upside down. You've got to put it in order for me.
(4)any old how/way
The shelf was put up any old how.
「亂糟糟」 look as if something has been stirred with a stick
The house looks as if something has been stirred with a stick. I don't know how to tide it up. (tide it up...是什麼意思別問我,叫你看魔法ABC講義還不看)
不過,「頭髮好 亂」,我們「亂」想到「mess」,「Your hair is messy.」(魔法ABC講義1999年9月份有)是譯「你的頭髮好髒」。但不知道譯的是否正確?有幾個網頁有出現這一句,在看過上下文後,我認為 「Your hair is messy」都頗符合「你頭髮好亂」的意思。
也可以用「messy hair」表示「凌亂的頭髮」,例:「my messy hair」。張學友的「頭髮亂了」就有翻成「Messy hair」。
「他一頭亂髮」-「He has messy hair」,這句通常有來形容髮型樣式(style)。
「Your hair is in a mess」,「你的頭髮一團亂」。
網路搜尋的結果,僅有一個「xxx's hair is topsy-turvy」和一個「xxx's hair is at sixes and sevens」。
「Your hair is upside down」有解釋是「靠頭皮的部份顏色深而尾端淺」。
(1)What grade are you in?
(2)What year are you in?
(1)What grade are you in?
(2)What year are you in?
Laugh of the day
哈哈哈 我笑了。XD
Back in September 1996, I returned from Russia after living there nearly two years. One of the biggest changes during my absence was the advent of the Internet. My sister decided to surprise me by creating "welcome home" signs in Russian. She went to a website that offered translations and typed in "Welcome Home, Cole." She then printed the translated phrase onto about 20 colored cardboard signs. When I got off the plane, the first thing I saw was my family, excitedly waving posters printed with a strange message. My sister gave me a big hug, and pointed proudly to her creations. "Isn't that great?" she said. "Bet you didn't think I knew any Russian." I admitted that I was indeed surprised -- and so was she when I told her what the signs actually said: "Translation not found."
Back in September 1996, I returned from Russia after living there nearly two years. One of the biggest changes during my absence was the advent of the Internet. My sister decided to surprise me by creating "welcome home" signs in Russian. She went to a website that offered translations and typed in "Welcome Home, Cole." She then printed the translated phrase onto about 20 colored cardboard signs. When I got off the plane, the first thing I saw was my family, excitedly waving posters printed with a strange message. My sister gave me a big hug, and pointed proudly to her creations. "Isn't that great?" she said. "Bet you didn't think I knew any Russian." I admitted that I was indeed surprised -- and so was she when I told her what the signs actually said: "Translation not found."
Just my two cents
Dear Fanny,
You seem to be pretty politically involved and informed. What do you think of all this flak about John Kerry's war record -- and George Bush's lack of service?
Just Wondering.
Dear Just Wondering,
Actually, I am much more concerned with what's happening today and what the candidates' positions are on issues affecting the USA now, and plans for tomorrow, than on things that happened (or didn't happen) 30-35 years ago. It seems like a "good" distraction from the real issues affecting the country, this back and forth on things long ago that no one can really prove one way or the other anyhow. I can see the "point" I guess that this time frame somehow speaks to character, but most of us (perhaps present President excepted, she said rudely) have evolved and grown since we were in our early twenties. I would like to see the economy, jobs, health care, and getting us the hell out of Iraq, exploring the idea of creating a Department of Peace, answering concerns about Social Security, confronting education problems, etc. addressed instead of ignoring what's going on today and clouding the current issues with muddied tales from the past. I'm not thrilled with either candidate, and would like to hear clear talk concerning some of the above instead of this ridiculous back and forth about who did what in the 60s and 70s. No wonder so many young voters are turned off!
Just my Two Cents,
Fanny Footloose信箱,專門提供讀者一些建議。
two cents
1. 無價值的東西
2. 小小的意見,鄙見 ( ( 往往表示自謙 ) )
Just my two cents.
You seem to be pretty politically involved and informed. What do you think of all this flak about John Kerry's war record -- and George Bush's lack of service?
Just Wondering.
Dear Just Wondering,
Actually, I am much more concerned with what's happening today and what the candidates' positions are on issues affecting the USA now, and plans for tomorrow, than on things that happened (or didn't happen) 30-35 years ago. It seems like a "good" distraction from the real issues affecting the country, this back and forth on things long ago that no one can really prove one way or the other anyhow. I can see the "point" I guess that this time frame somehow speaks to character, but most of us (perhaps present President excepted, she said rudely) have evolved and grown since we were in our early twenties. I would like to see the economy, jobs, health care, and getting us the hell out of Iraq, exploring the idea of creating a Department of Peace, answering concerns about Social Security, confronting education problems, etc. addressed instead of ignoring what's going on today and clouding the current issues with muddied tales from the past. I'm not thrilled with either candidate, and would like to hear clear talk concerning some of the above instead of this ridiculous back and forth about who did what in the 60s and 70s. No wonder so many young voters are turned off!
Just my Two Cents,
Fanny Footloose信箱,專門提供讀者一些建議。
two cents
1. 無價值的東西
2. 小小的意見,鄙見 ( ( 往往表示自謙 ) )
Just my two cents.
Final US Presidential Debate
美國總統第三次也是最後一次的辯論今天結束了,網路上可從NPR或VOA線上收聽辯論內容。而關於整個辯論內容講稿,可自CNN那取得。一場九十分鐘的辯論,共有二十個題目,由Bob Schieffer(CBS的主播)發問。其中,我覺得最後一個問題很有趣,也是最輕鬆的,現場笑聲四起,兩方候選人展現了美式幽默。將其內容轉貼來此,分享之。
Question 20: What have you learned from your wife and daughters?
SCHIEFFER: We've come, gentlemen, to our last question. And it occurred to me as I came to this debate tonight that the three of us share something. All three of us are surrounded by very strong women. We're all married to strong women. Each of us have two daughters that make us very proud.
I'd like to ask each of you, what is the most important thing you've learned from these strong women?
BUSH: To listen to them.
To stand up straight and not scowl.
I love the strong women around me. I can't tell you how much I love my wife and our daughters.
I am -- you know it's really interesting. I tell the people on the campaign trail, when I asked Laura to marry me, she said, "Fine, just so long as I never have to give a speech."
I said, "OK, you've got a deal."
Fortunately, she didn't hold me to that deal. And she's out campaigning along with our girls. And she speaks English a lot better than I do.
I think people understand what she's saying.
But they see a compassionate, strong, great first lady in Laura Bush.
I can't tell you how lucky I am. When I met her in the backyard at Joe and Jan O'Neill's in Midland, Texas, it was the classic backyard barbecue.
O'Neill said, "Come on over. I think you'll find somebody who might interest you."
So I said all right. Bopped over there.
There was only four of us there. And not only did she interest me, I guess you would say it was love at first sight.
SCHIEFFER: Sen. Kerry?
KERRY: Well, I guess the president and you and I are three examples of lucky people who married up.
And some would say maybe me more so than others.
But I can take it.
Can I say, if I could just say a word about a woman that you didn't ask about, but my mom passed away a couple years ago, just before I was deciding to run. And she was in the hospital, and I went in to talk to her and tell her what I was thinking of doing.
And she looked at me from her hospital bed and she just looked at me and she said, "Remember: integrity, integrity, integrity."
Those are the three words that she left me with.
And my daughters and my wife are people who just are filled with that sense of what's right, what's wrong.
They also kick me around. They keep me honest. They don't let me get away with anything. I can sometimes take myself too seriously. They surely don't let me do that.
And I'm blessed, as I think the president is blessed, as I said last time. I've watched him with the first lady, who I admire a great deal, and his daughters. He's a great father. And I think we're both very lucky.
Question 20: What have you learned from your wife and daughters?
SCHIEFFER: We've come, gentlemen, to our last question. And it occurred to me as I came to this debate tonight that the three of us share something. All three of us are surrounded by very strong women. We're all married to strong women. Each of us have two daughters that make us very proud.
I'd like to ask each of you, what is the most important thing you've learned from these strong women?
BUSH: To listen to them.
To stand up straight and not scowl.
I love the strong women around me. I can't tell you how much I love my wife and our daughters.
I am -- you know it's really interesting. I tell the people on the campaign trail, when I asked Laura to marry me, she said, "Fine, just so long as I never have to give a speech."
I said, "OK, you've got a deal."
Fortunately, she didn't hold me to that deal. And she's out campaigning along with our girls. And she speaks English a lot better than I do.
I think people understand what she's saying.
But they see a compassionate, strong, great first lady in Laura Bush.
I can't tell you how lucky I am. When I met her in the backyard at Joe and Jan O'Neill's in Midland, Texas, it was the classic backyard barbecue.
O'Neill said, "Come on over. I think you'll find somebody who might interest you."
So I said all right. Bopped over there.
There was only four of us there. And not only did she interest me, I guess you would say it was love at first sight.
SCHIEFFER: Sen. Kerry?
KERRY: Well, I guess the president and you and I are three examples of lucky people who married up.
And some would say maybe me more so than others.
But I can take it.
Can I say, if I could just say a word about a woman that you didn't ask about, but my mom passed away a couple years ago, just before I was deciding to run. And she was in the hospital, and I went in to talk to her and tell her what I was thinking of doing.
And she looked at me from her hospital bed and she just looked at me and she said, "Remember: integrity, integrity, integrity."
Those are the three words that she left me with.
And my daughters and my wife are people who just are filled with that sense of what's right, what's wrong.
They also kick me around. They keep me honest. They don't let me get away with anything. I can sometimes take myself too seriously. They surely don't let me do that.
And I'm blessed, as I think the president is blessed, as I said last time. I've watched him with the first lady, who I admire a great deal, and his daughters. He's a great father. And I think we're both very lucky.
Trust me, you can DO it!
之前傑夫上節目提到廣告中的英文標語害人不淺,"Trust me, you can make it."就是個很好的例子。在這裡應該要說"Trust me, you can do it."。我第一次是聽到鮑佳欣(又是她XD,她,我師父啦哈哈哈)提過這個謬用。原因為何?我找到了解答。
Chinglish案例——Trust me, you can make it!
之前在許多媒體上,都可以聽到或看到某知名的減肥健身中心的標語是:Trust me, you can make it!但是,這句話的英文是錯的。至少,它不是代表「相信我,你辦得到!」這到底是怎麼回事呢?
若要表達「相信我,你辦得到!」真正的英文應該是:Trust me, you can do it.
Trust me, you can make it.這句話在母語人士的口語裡,是幾乎不可能聽到的話,因為make在此不會給人想成「辦到、成功」的解釋。唯一會聽到這表達的可能狀況有:
有人不確定自己是否能「做出蛋糕」make a cake。好比以下:
A:I just don't think I know how to make a cake.
B:Trust me, you can make it.
相信我,你做得出來。(但即使這狀況,說Trust me, you can do it.還是比較好!)
A:I'm scared. I can't make it to the top.
B:Trust me, you can make it (to the top).
有人擔心自己是否能準時抵達某地,這時候說someone can make it的make,是代表「抵達」的意思。
A:I'm going to be late. I'll miss my flight.
B:No, you'll be OK. Trust me, you can make it.
Chinglish案例——Trust me, you can make it!
之前在許多媒體上,都可以聽到或看到某知名的減肥健身中心的標語是:Trust me, you can make it!但是,這句話的英文是錯的。至少,它不是代表「相信我,你辦得到!」這到底是怎麼回事呢?
若要表達「相信我,你辦得到!」真正的英文應該是:Trust me, you can do it.
Trust me, you can make it.這句話在母語人士的口語裡,是幾乎不可能聽到的話,因為make在此不會給人想成「辦到、成功」的解釋。唯一會聽到這表達的可能狀況有:
有人不確定自己是否能「做出蛋糕」make a cake。好比以下:
A:I just don't think I know how to make a cake.
B:Trust me, you can make it.
相信我,你做得出來。(但即使這狀況,說Trust me, you can do it.還是比較好!)
A:I'm scared. I can't make it to the top.
B:Trust me, you can make it (to the top).
有人擔心自己是否能準時抵達某地,這時候說someone can make it的make,是代表「抵達」的意思。
A:I'm going to be late. I'll miss my flight.
B:No, you'll be OK. Trust me, you can make it.
美國之音 Voice of America



若你覺得速度太快,可以到Voice of America Special English-News Radio for English Learners ,因為是給學英文的人所製作的內容,所以用字遣詞都不會太難。此外,你還可以在那裡收看Weekly TV每週電視,影像有附上字幕。
若你覺得速度太快,可以到Voice of America Special English-News Radio for English Learners ,因為是給學英文的人所製作的內容,所以用字遣詞都不會太難。此外,你還可以在那裡收看Weekly TV每週電視,影像有附上字幕。

because A, B 這應該沒問題
B because A 這句的B跟because之間不能有逗號
到底行不行呢 當然時代不同了 文法也會跟著改變
只是想問問 原來的規矩是怎樣的呢?
We cannot make a decision until we have your final report.
=We cannot make a decision, until we have your final report.
I am asking you for this favor because we are such great friends.
=I am asking you for this favor, because we are such great friends.
Reference:英文文法聖經, Michael Strumpf/ Auriel Douglas, 羅慕謙 譯
1. Don't cheat him because he is foolish.
2. We didn't help her because she was kind.
3. Don't cheat him, because he is foolish.
4. We didn't help her, becuase she was bad.
because A, B 這應該沒問題
B because A 這句的B跟because之間不能有逗號
到底行不行呢 當然時代不同了 文法也會跟著改變
只是想問問 原來的規矩是怎樣的呢?
We cannot make a decision until we have your final report.
=We cannot make a decision, until we have your final report.
I am asking you for this favor because we are such great friends.
=I am asking you for this favor, because we are such great friends.
Reference:英文文法聖經, Michael Strumpf/ Auriel Douglas, 羅慕謙 譯
1. Don't cheat him because he is foolish.
2. We didn't help her because she was kind.
3. Don't cheat him, because he is foolish.
4. We didn't help her, becuase she was bad.
很久之前,我曾在網上提過美國國家廣播網(NPR), 我大四修英聽時的教材。大四下,老師給我們上的那本英聽書(Consider the issue),裡面的內容就是收自NPR討論的事情。因為是完全來自廣播,有的是Call-in,有的是訪問,所以講話速度十分的生活。常常老師放了一 次,我們有如鴨子聽雷一樣。NPR是訓練英聽不錯的選擇,因為包含不只政治和新聞的多樣內容。網上有提供transcripts,不過要「扣扣」。

其中一篇Immigration Series: Becoming Americanized,談到中國移民,我覺得內容頗簡單易懂,推荐。
要線上收聽的方法很簡單,就點文章左上Audio的文字連結就okay. -------------------------------------
其中一篇Immigration Series: Becoming Americanized,談到中國移民,我覺得內容頗簡單易懂,推荐。
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在台灣,學英文是全民運動。只要跟學英文沾上邊的,便會大發利市。而我,我也不知道為什麼這麼喜歡英文。難道是因為崇洋?現在不崇了,以前是。其實,我會 一直想把英文學好,是拜我媽所賜。我媽在我們很小的時候,向讀者文摘訂了三套英語教材。不是兒童英語教材,是非常嚴肅的英語聽力訓練教材。有一回心血來 潮,放來聽,想當然爾,完全不懂。我想就是那時候,對英文產生了好奇和興趣。
再來,就去補習。非常幸運的是,那位老師kk音標教的很好, 我也盡力的學習,深怕自己落後。不過,上了國中也沒有再補了。基礎重要,往後的努力也很重要。我國中的英文教師坦白說,都教的不怎樣。國二的一位男英文教 師,上課都只照講義或什麼唸一次,我都快睡著了。我完完全全都是靠自己做講義,做題目,唸課文,把自己的英文顧好。就這樣,我升高中聯考的英文拿了99 分,1分扣在翻譯。
再來,就去補習。非常幸運的是,那位老師kk音標教的很好, 我也盡力的學習,深怕自己落後。不過,上了國中也沒有再補了。基礎重要,往後的努力也很重要。我國中的英文教師坦白說,都教的不怎樣。國二的一位男英文教 師,上課都只照講義或什麼唸一次,我都快睡著了。我完完全全都是靠自己做講義,做題目,唸課文,把自己的英文顧好。就這樣,我升高中聯考的英文拿了99 分,1分扣在翻譯。
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