


I read this a little earlier today and thought to myself what a load of....

a load of what? 一卡車的什麼東西?可能有人猜得出來最後接的是什麼字。


nonsense, or words which are intended to deceive:

- His answer was pure hogwash.

接著我在這裡的定義看到方才的"片語"--a load of xxxxxx--。

A load of BULLSHIT!!!
Oh, what a bunch of hogwash!




這裡則提供了標點符號的歷史,內容包括有English, Spanish, French, and East Asian。

The caesura sign (頓號 or ?? in pinyin: dun4 hao4), nicknamed sesame dot, is the Chinese equivalent of serial comma. It is shaped like a teardrop with the narrow sharp end pointing top-left and round end pointing bottom-right: 、 (it may be depicted on your computer in another font). In Japanese, the Chinese caesura sign is used as comma (serial or not).



約在一年多前,我在BBS英文討論版看到有人寫到Mainland China,後來被不曉得從哪裡冒出來的Americans糾正,他們說應該是mainland China,M不用大寫。


↑這個是大寫Mainland China


↑小寫的mainland China

thefreedictionary給的是mainland ChinaWikipedia有Mainland China






Taiwan's Response to the "Anti-Secession Law (so-called Anti-Separation Law)" and It's Impact on (the) Cross-strait Relations


anti的發音是有兩個,奇摩只給一個thefreedictionary只給一個,兩個給的都不同的發音,還是Webster Online的發音給的最詳盡。


My Vocabulary -- 1

I've learned a lot of vocabulary from this website, more than one hundred words and expressions. From now on, I am going to post only five of them each time here in this blog to share with you all every now and then. Also, I can have a review of them.

All of the meanings and the example santances are given by the website.

AKA (expression) : also known as
This is my friend Joseph, aka Joey.

an awful lot (expression) : quite a lot
There are an awful lot of tourists in Hawaii in the winter.

baffled(adj) : confused
I'm baffled. Why are you here today? You normally don't come in on Tuesdays.

at fault (expression) : responsible
I am at fault for our fight last night. I decided to have an argument and started being mean.

on the level : as good as
I think Kobe Bryant's basketabll skills are on the level of Michael Jordan.

Some of the vocabulary and expressions are colloquial, so make sure you use the right word or expression in the right situation.

Related article: Englishbaby


當然這一個發音是有的,然而我常聽到的卻是這一發音,像這裡就只有後者的發音, 不似Webster Online給了三種發音

Karaoke combines two Japanese words: kara is short for karappo, which means empty, and oke is part of okestura, meaning orchestra. An empty orchestra, a mic and a singer - the major ingredients of karaoke.

Since its origination 20 years ago, Taiwan has also picked up on the karaoke craze. The Taiwanese have worked diligently over the past years, making karaoke their own.

Today, karaoke clubs and bars are one of the most popular forms of entertainment for the Taiwanese. It is difficult to travel through any city in Taiwan without being flashed down in the dark by bright neon lights luring passerbys Vegas-style.

摘錄自文章:At the Mic: Karaoke Television




好幾個星期前在電視上看到一則廣告,廣告主打某人的新節目,廣告分上下二集,上集先賣關子,電視觀眾欲知詳情,得待下回分解。故那個電視節目廣告的上集在最後一幕打了「To be contiune」三個大字,殊不知這裡頭有錯。

怎麼可以有兩個動詞("be" "continue")呢?

所以正確的說法應是:To be continued

「To be continuous」也不對,continuous是指不中斷的,既然不中斷,何需下集?

"It rained continuously last night."昨晚雨下個不停。

Review Question:

Blogthings - Cool Stuff To Put In Your Blog


You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong.

You Are a Link Blogger!

Your blog is more about cool links than thougtful posts.
Better to be entertaining and breif than longwinded and boring!

Review Question:
如果用"a mile a minute"來形容一個人講話的樣子(to talk a mile a minute),是指那個人講話速度很慢的意思嗎?





There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meaning than any other two-letter word, and that is "UP."

It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awake in the morning, why do we wake UP?

At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speak UP and why are the officers UP for election and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report?

We call UP our friends And we use it to brighten UP a room, polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers and clean UP the kitchen. We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car.

At other times the little word has real special meaning. People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses.

To be dressed is one thing but to be dressed UP is special.

And this UP is confusing:

A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP.

We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.

We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP!

To be knowledgeable of the proper uses of UP, look UP the word in the dictionary. In a desk size dictionary, takes UP almost 1/4th the page and definitions add UP to about thirty.

If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more.

When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP . When the sun comes out we say it is clearing UP.

When it rains, it wets UP the earth. When it doesn't rain for awhile, things dry UP.

One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now my time is UP, so.............

I'll shut UP.....!

Quick notes:
(1) wrap up:結束
(2) "I'll wrap it up, for now my time is up." for = because

Review Question:


Potty-mouthed? New English words are just lush

LONDON (Reuters) - Do chuggers bother you when you want to rock up to a restaurant with your cockapoo to hoover a supersized ruby murray?

Confused? Then you need to refer to the new Oxford Dictionary of English to understand a host of new words that appear for the first time in its latest edition.

Among the new entries are "potty-mouthed" (meaning using or characterized by bad language), "lush" (very good) and "scopophilia" (sexual pleasure derived chiefly from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity).

Some words, such as "demographic" (a particular sector of a population) have become commonplace but only now make it into the dictionary. They are joined by those emerging from new technology like "phishing" (fraudulently sending emails purporting to be from reputable firms to get individuals to reveal personal details).

Many of the new words are simply formed by mixing two others together, such as charity and mugger making "chugger" (someone who approaches passers-by in the street asking for donations for a charity) and "labradoodle" (a cross between a Labrador retriever and a poodle).

"To suit the pace of our lifestyle today there is a growing tendency to mix words together to make entirely new ones called blends," the dictionary researchers said.

They also said there were now 350 ways of insulting someone -- from "chucklehead" to "muppet" -- ten times more than there were complimentary expressions, while there were 50 words for good-looking women, there were only about 20 for men.

And for those without a dictionary to hand, "rock up" means arrive, "cockapoo" is a mix between a cocker spaniel dog and a poodle, "hoover" means to eat omething quickly, and "ruby murray" is rhyming slang for a curry.

See also Merriam-Webster Asks: What's Your Favorite Word (That's Not in the Dictionary)?

Review Question:
My main beef about the job is that I have to work on Saturdays.




My pal is the principal.(我的好朋友是校長)

或『The lovely bones』一書裡的台詞:

"Your principal is your pal with principles."

The Grammar Bible』拼字小祕訣裡提供14個單字的記憶祕訣,如:

≡calendar→ I never lend my calendar. 我從來不把行事曆借給別人看。

≡all right→ It's the opposite of all wrong, not alwrong. all right是all wrong的相反,而非alwrong。(all right才是正確的字,不少人會拼成alright。是"I am all right."(I am alright.╳錯)

除了這些想知道更多記單字的祕訣嗎? Check this out! Lizzie教你背英文單字~~~~~英語怎麼那麼簡單!!   

Review Question:


[washingtonpost]How to Learn Chinese in 2,200 Not-So-Easy Lessons

Update: 2005 / 08 / 11 (星期四)中文超難學 至少需兩千小時

Washington Post Staff Writer--Jay Mathews 半幽默的敘述他當年學習中文的情形,並語重心長的告訴想學中文的人:學中文是條艱辛且漫長的路呀。


But let me -- just this once because I don't like recalling the pain -- tell you that learning Chinese is not going to be easy.

Chinese culture -- its philosophy, its art, its code of conduct, its food, its literature -- is one of the wonders of human civilization. It is so humane and so productive that I share few of the fears that the rise of Chinese economic and military power inspires in some Americans.

But the Chinese, despite all their good points, have a very difficult and in some ways inefficient language. Those Americans ready to pursue the worthy goal of learning it should be ready for a long, hard march.

Unkind people are saying at this point: Mathews may have been too dumb or too lazy to master Chinese, but the Chinese themselves seem to be handling their language fine. That is true. It is one more indication of the drive and ambition of those 1.3 billion people that most of them have become fluent and literate in a spoken language that includes four tones and a written language based on ideographs that give few clues to pronunciation and sometimes drive typists mad.

But it is also true that having to learn thousands of ideographic characters instead of just the two dozen or so letters of the Western alphabet has forced Chinese education into a deep, narrow groove. Chinese students and teachers have grown accustomed to relying on memorization, the way they learned to read. There is less creative thinking in the schools as a result, some scholars think.

For more than a century the Chinese have been arguing among themselves over how to simplify the written language without cutting themselves off from one of the great literary mother lodes of the past 3,000 years. The invention of the digital computer and the Internet have eased the reproduction and transmission of written Chinese, but children in China, and non-Chinese high school and college students like I once was, have to pound the meaning of all those slants and dots and curves into their brains, and hope they stay there.

Take one small example. When I lived with my family in Beijing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, my six-year-old son got to be a pretty good reader. There wasn't much television to distract him, and as a budding baseball and football fan he loved to decipher the sports pages of the International Herald Tribune. When Chinese saw him reading the newspaper in the dining hall of the hotel where we lived, they were amazed, since their equally bright children needed much more time before they could handle a Chinese newspaper.

You can imagine, then, what it was like for me at age 19 when I took my first Chinese lessons in college.

Learning the spoken language was not so bad. It had few annoyances like gender and tense and verb changes based on rank. My first Chinese professor was Rulan Chao Pian, who used a system invented by her father, the legendary UC Berkeley linguist Yuen R. Chao. She and her father shared a mischievous sense of humor, although I did not think it was so funny at first. One of her first exercises was a short story made of words that used only one Chinese sound, shi (sounds like 'sure'). It was totally incomprehensible -- just as the sentence "Sure sure sure sure, sure-sure, sure sure sure" would be in English -- unless you got all the tones right or could see the characters.

Once I absorbed this sobering introduction to the maddening subtleties of Chinese expression, Pian handed me her father's textbook. He had a unique way of romanizing Chinese word sounds so we could learn how to pronounce them properly. Some Chinese language textbooks assigned the numbers one to four to each of the four tones, and you would pronounce the word based on which number was next to it. Some books used little marks going up, down or otherwise to indicate the high, rising, low and falling tones. Chao decided to give a different spelling of the same sound to indicate different tones.

There is a common Chinese sound that most American newspapers spell "zhang" (pronounced sort of like "jong"), under the standard pinyin romanization system used in China. Chao spelled that sound four ways: jang if it were first tone, jarng if it were second tone, jaang for third tone and janq for fourth tone. Different words required different spelling changes. Good old "wu," thankfully spelled that way in nearly every system, was u for first tone, wu for second tone, wuu for third tone and wuh for fourth tone.

Review Question:

"Advertising, it seems, is often a far cry from reality." 句中"a far cry from"是什麼意思?

Go figure.

解釋一The alt.usage.english FAQ

This expands to "Go and figure it out", and means: "The reasons for the fact just stated are unknown and possibly unknowable. You can waste your time thinking about what they might be, if you choose, but you're not likely to accomplish anything." (Kivi Shapiro)

解釋二Urban Dictionary

a remark made to something said that is typical or falls under Murphy's Law.

"The ONE day I call in sick at work, and the fucking boss, who happens to leave work early... sees me at the strip joint...go figure!!!"


a phrase used by itself as an interjection to mean "How can one explain that?", or to express puzzlement over some seeming contradiction.


網路上有人將這個詞中譯為:你自己去琢磨吧。不過,這個譯句無法適用於各個go figure出現的場合。如:why have you changed your name? Hiding from all your girl friends???? Go figure !!

這裡有不少人給go figure下定義,大致就以下兩部分:

(1)有人說不能光從字面上解釋為go and find out,而是如同「解釋三」的意思,只是個感嘆詞,「Can you believe that?」「Well, what do you know!」感到疑惑、想不透時用。


「Go figure」informal用法較偏向"How can one explain that?" "how did that happen?" "Wonder Why?"

Review Question:
"Life is a gas."是指生活很像聞瓦斯味一樣難受嗎?


The Lovely Bones

English Daily 幾天前開始在網站上每天播放一點「The Lovely Bones」,當然從本網站首頁左下角每日更新即得知這個訊息。

原名為【The Lovely Bones】的【蘇西的世界】,在美國上市就佔據紐約時報(New York Times)排行榜60周的小說,2002年也在美國亞馬遜(AMAZON)網站排行榜終年不墜,全美銷售已有三百萬冊。【蘇西的世界】作者在書中一開始就告訴讀者主角蘇西遇害的過程,隨後在她的天堂俯視人間,以全知全能的視界觀看家人與友人經歷此事之後產生的變化:父親悲痛無比亟欲獨力緝兇,情緒失調而離家墮落,妹妹弟弟的成長蛻變,以及家人之間關係的變化。【蘇西的世界】是發生在一個孤立無援、受暴力侵襲的家庭中的故事,從一個家庭的變動為起點,處理的是個人面對悲傷的適應經歷,而非整個社會療傷的影射,但放大來看,或許可以幫助人們為一時之間無法找到答案的難題找到慰藉。書中人物的悲歡離合似乎也象徵美國整個社會在動盪中調整、適應的範本。





Review Question:
"It is a slang." (它是俚語。) 這句有,錯在哪?


to get hold of

前幾天無聊亂轉電視時,轉到了MTV台,看到George和王凱蒂Chitchat節目,不清楚他們正在講解哪一位歐美歌手的歌曲,兩位主持人聊了幾個句子和片語,其中一個是「get hold of」。因為看時有認真給他看,所以這個片語有留在我腦海裡。

兩、三天前剛好又有位美國人以「gotten hold of」為主旨,介紹了這個片語。

Here's another colloquial phrase that's often heard "to get hold of," meaning to reach by telephone. "Have you gotten hold of the police yet?"

"I haven't gotten hold of my friends in Bastrop. I'm beginning to think they may be out of town."

(另一個常聽到的口語上的片語「to get hold of」,意思是以電話與某人取得聯繫。)

Chitchat節目裡給get hold of這個片語的同義字為reach。

以reach這個字來說,不一定非得是電話聯繫,可以是Email或是其他的聯絡方式,但是不是用這個片語(get hold of)時一定是靠電話與他人聯繫呢?

這裡解釋只說「找到某人」(find someone),而這裡的解釋是:To communicate with, especially by telephone.

Review Question
"To feel rich is far better than to be rich."
請問這句話的意思是說物質上的富有(to be rich)比精神上的富有(to feel rich)好嗎?

Note: Review questions的題目都來自本網誌先前post的文章



So far, we have had quite a few English listening websites. Woohoo!



會有大綱,但沒有錄音的文字記錄(transcripts),不過有聽寫頁面讓學習者將錄音內容寫出來,有做到「千萬別學英文」提供的聽力訓練法,即打通耳朵 完全聽清

Review Question:



部落格巡禮-Blogs About Taiwan




















Review Question:
I haven't the foggiest what's wrong.
I haven't the foggiest how to do it.

"I haven't the foggiest"是什麼意思呢?