

English Grammar through Stories (短篇故事學文法) 依文法主題提供了短篇故事,學習者透過小篇故事閱讀去理解時態及文法用法,也許這個電子書在文法及時態解說部份並不十分詳盡,但不妨將小故事當作閱讀材料,每篇故事僅兩、三頁,適合短時間的閱讀。


put sb off (sth/sb)

"put off"是延遲(postpone)之意,但"put sb off"是什麼意思?

劍橋英語詞典中的解釋:to make someone dislike something or someone (使某人對某事/某人感到反感), or to discourage someone from doing something (使某人對某事失去興趣或熱情):

The smell of hospitals always puts me off. (醫院的氣味總使我反感)

You have to work long hours and that puts off a lot of people. (很多人對你必須長時間工作感到反感)

His attitude put me right off him. (他的態度令我對他反感)

[ + -ing verb ] Personally, I didn't enjoy the film, but don't let that put you off going. (就我個人來說,我不喜歡這部影片,但別讓這件事阻礙了你去看的熱情)


[Youtube教學] 加強流利度…等的英語學習方法

http://www.english-at-home.com/ 的站長Clare拍了四部英語學習系列影片,內容為針對流利度(fluency)、發音(pronunciation)、字彙(vocabulary)及自信心(confidence)方面加強的方法,若想了解如何能增進這方面的能力的話,就來看看吧!

第一部:2 Secrets for a Native English Vocabulary (2個學習道地英文單字秘訣)

第二部:4 Easy Ways to Remember English Phrasal Verbs (4個記住動詞片語的簡單方式)

第三部:The 1 Simple Secret For Great Pronunciation (優美發音的一個簡單秘訣)

第四部:How To Be Fluent In A Few Words (用幾個單字讓自己變流利)  ---口說對話時超級實用的秘訣