

最近的禽流感又讓大家神經開始緊蹦起來,去年(2004年)年初時也一度造成恐慌,CNN互動英語雜誌第四十三期(2004/四月)的健康資訊站單元裡 (p70-71),就已以禽流感為主題提供了一些相關的資訊,內容包括何謂禽流感、病原、該病毒所造成的大流行、如何遏阻傳染、病患治療方式等。

在此我就放上該雜誌部份開頭,讓我們對禽流感有些初步認識吧。想知道更多的話,就請移駕到Wikipedia--Avian influenza

Avian influenza --or bird flu--is a type A influenza virus, much like that which regularly causes seasonal epidemics of the flue in humans. While bird flu has been known as an avian disease for more than 100 years, it has only been in the last seven years that there have been documented cases of bird-to-human infection, often with fatal results. As the number of outbreaks of avian-flu infection in human beings increases, global awareness of this disease is on the rise.

所謂禽流感,是一種A型流感病毒,它和經常造成人類季節性流感疫情的病毒頗為類似。禽流 感一百多年來一直被視為一種禽鳥疾病,但一直到七年前,才有記錄顯 示出現了人類遭禽鳥感染的病例,且往往造成致命的結果。隨著人類感染禽流感的疫情升高,全球對於這種疾病的關注程度也隨之提升。
