

今天收到了englishclub寄來的標題為「多益七撇步」(7 TOEIC TIPS)的電子報,雖然本人並無在準備多益,但覺得這七撇步並未僅全然侷限於多益考試,一般英語檢定考試也可使用。


Test of English for International Communication TOEIC is a standardized test that measures your listening and reading skills. Unlike other tests, the TOEIC evaluates your ability to function in the business world rather than in an academic setting.

Here are 7 tips if you're planning to take TOEIC.

1. Set a goal

2. Understand the test

3. Make a study plan

4. Divide study time appropriately

5. Build a strong vocabulary

6. Isolate your weak points

7. Eliminate distractors

You'll find explanations of the above and many more tips at: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-exams/ets-toeic-tips.htm

You can also do a TOEIC practice session (with audio) at: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-exams/ets-toeic-practice.htm

在快速瀏覽過共二十個撇步之後,我十分認同他所給的建議,因為真的很有用。就「建立強大的字彙量」(Build a strong vocabulary)這個撇步來說,他們建議考生準備個筆記本,最好是電話本,因為電話本是按照字母順序分類。然後將學到的生字記錄起來,變成一本自己的字典。較不建議背字彙表,因為有了上下文,你才較容易記起生字。最好儘量不使用英漢字典和電子字典,電子字典將一切都簡單化了,不費吹灰之力查到的生字,是不太會記得的。

再來就是「別試著翻譯」(Don't try to translate)。Why? 浪費時間嘛。

最後就是「練習大聲讀」(Practice reading aloud),我舉雙手雙腳同意這個學習方法,真的很有效。我只要讀唸一些文章過後,在聽一些國外的英文節目時,我就瞬間覺得真的聽懂的句子變多了!"Reading out loud will help your listening and reading comprehension skills. In order to comprehend English more quickly, it is important that you understand the rhythm of the language. Read from textbooks, pamphlets, newspapers, and even children's novels. You might want to tape yourself and listen to how you sound."(大聲讀出來會對你的聽力和閱讀理解能力有幫助。為了能較迅速的理解英文,了解它的語言節奏是十分重要的。......)
