
網站介紹:Grammar and Writing / 常見的文法問題 / people VS persons

我真的忘記我怎麼來到這個網站的,也真的忘記我為何逛到Frequently Asked Questions,我無意間看到『people vs persons』,這個疑問躲在我腦中有一段時日了,不是說person的複數就是people,為何又有persons呢? 兩者該如何運用呢?

網站裡有許多英文文法和寫作的知識,而在Frequently Asked Questions這一區裡,解答了許多人常有的英文問題。

affect versus effect
accept versus except
bad versus badly
bring versus take
compare to versus compare with
different from versus different than
do versus make
due to versus because
if versus whether
into versus in to
its versus it's
i.e. versus e.g.
less versus fewer
lie versus lay
people versus persons
shall versus will
that versus which
toward versus towards
well versus good

BBC Learning English/Ask About English: Person and people

So in summary, normally you find 'people' as the plural form of 'person' – one person, three people. Sometimes you'll find people used to describe the nationality so you'll find 'peoples' to describe different nationalities and sometimes you'll find the word 'persons' in more formal styles of writing or in signs for example.
